anybody else actually know it is fucking STUPID in YES fucker ALL CAPITALS to "flee to Canada" if your ass hopes to avoid Unistat prosecution for damn near ANYTHING - like fyi outstanding parking tickets if you get enough of them - lol - but for real - take a look at their rules about "Extradition"
from another commenter - check facts before saying some stupid shit like that please. .
*it was like 8000 employees who were hacked - not just a handful of the top tier. . .
- is the periodic discharge of bile and vitriol from the inner workings of a malformed brain through the foul stench of a gaping maw. This cyclic discharge is seen in male humans who are called out on their own bullshit, think other people sharing their perspective is a direct attack on their self, or otherwise have…
мыть что? Outta ГДЕ
мыть что? Outta ГДЕ
Man I was prepared to flail your ass - but - hahahah - redeemer appeares - thanks - and look I am in between the boomer and the X gens - I am 51 - and blah blah blah read my other posts I give physical and financial and professional descriptions all over when pissed - but anyway - again - thank you for saying this.…