
Gotta give the Dude props on erasing his internet photo past - google him right now - you will find nearly NOTHING except stuff from here forward - having

Ethan who?

this some bullshit

yea dudes....nope

anybody else actually know it is fucking STUPID in YES fucker ALL CAPITALS to "flee to Canada" if your ass hopes to avoid Unistat prosecution for damn near ANYTHING - like fyi outstanding parking tickets if you get enough of them - lol - but for real - take a look at their rules about "Extradition"

just picture my two meter tall almost four hundred pound Black Ass in this lil'Baby - yup on the bucket list - and especially since I'm a Jew. . . a Big Black Jew -

from another commenter - check facts before saying some stupid shit like that please. .

*it was like 8000 employees who were hacked - not just a handful of the top tier. . .

- is the periodic discharge of bile and vitriol from the inner workings of a malformed brain through the foul stench of a gaping maw. This cyclic discharge is seen in male humans who are called out on their own bullshit, think other people sharing their perspective is a direct attack on their self, or otherwise have

* of course now I will use it as much as possible !!!!!!!

мыть что? Outta ГДЕ

мыть что? Outta ГДЕ


Goodness this thread is so weak let's liven up the party already - shall we?

Man I was prepared to flail your ass - but - hahahah - redeemer appeares - thanks - and look I am in between the boomer and the X gens - I am 51 - and blah blah blah read my other posts I give physical and financial and professional descriptions all over when pissed - but anyway - again - thank you for saying this.