
ALL the poor people were being drafted - people think of history around popular cities - which make up only less than what a third of the Unistat population back then ? and so - like I said - MOST were playing Credence CLearwater Revival and Not Hendrix or Morrison - they were dealing with life - albeit the planned

You dodged that shit though RIGHT : ) ?

lazy fucker - all you gotta do is show up and say "yea concentration problems - " or even better - ever been in a car accident - did you sue - nope california a fault state so not likely - BUT if you got ANY MRI findings - even better if you just approach a center and say my back hurts I have no insurance and I got

redrumwriter OHHHHH shit - caught !

However - you Millennials [and really all of us who have been or did or might one day night when whatever - BE fucking strangers at some weird times - like getting gas on Orange Blossom Trail outside Cabaret rather just NORTH at the CITGO - just a "for example. . .

"...Those dirty, war FIGHTING (the males) -protesting, free-love having, civil-rights fighting, tree-hugging, wallowing-in-the-mud-of-Woodstock Hippies r Are We really believing EVERY BABY BOOMER WENT TO FUCKING WOODSTOCK OR HAIGHT ASHBURY ?


PLEASE MAKE ONE OF THE BRUNETTE SAYING "well I thought it loked like a dildo but I have never seen this kind of thing off the end of it" or

HEY - do I get anything for getting close to the requested .gif?

damn that is a lot of guilt for one person to be holding - take a tenstripof lsd - from a reputable source - though if there is any lsd in the paper a ten will at the least get you to a hundred mics - and the myth of contaminants like lsa and etc - NOPE - trust me - I spent time visiting the Silo - before he got

he probably hides out in Tallahassee FL with Weinstein and Phelan and the rest of the FSU traitors -

awwww we need your ass too Brother /Sister - PROMISE - don;t get a bad trip : )

not everyone my Dude. . . NOT EVERYONE>>>>>>

*clearly we have misunderstood the youtuber phenomena - that or this douche used to work in porn - for not Brazzers or Reality Kings. . .I just - I got nothing but something like this shit right here for these idiots. . .

Madonna just pissed she caught shit for a similar thing with a low cut top back like twenty years ago at the VMA or some award shit I half watched due to —— reasons....

that lil bastard is PISSED about not getting to eat the lawn or some shit . . . . gotta get them GREENS !

yea - try getting a Prince ALbert Piercing - and listen to the dick head guys at the tattoo place say "hope you do not have new sheets " as they laugh - but they say the shit right as you walking out the door - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gotta say MyDude - great story - but for real peep this shit - so I had a little heart attack a while ago - and a month after I had to go for a heart Catheter - and this fine young thing comes into the prep room right after I sign all the fucking scary paperwork about "you will let us put stents and blah blah blah"