Captain Intenso

To clarify, Lawrence Hodge just recapped a story from another site, messed up the basis of the story (the fed’s aren’t suing Walker over the pennies), and this was a story that first cropped up in March 2021 (

Shut up fascist. You have no argument or proof. Go sit in the corner with Hitler and let the adults talk. 

It always amazes me how some people have this much energy to spend being childish. Sometimes, I can barely make it through the day without collapsing.

This is pretty smart. If Ford and GM are prepared to pivot into armament manufacturing like they did during WW2, then a civil war should be great for the bottom line.

Where I live it’s Chargers. Guaranteed deadly douche bros. Next is bro dozers.

I will disagree with you re: C-pillar and sportback styling.

I can use CAD/CAM software too!

And you’ll be using precious power on cooling/heating instead of range.

Hahaha those prices are so whack. Have fun competing with the other options at that price point.

And if your online banking took a sudden and dramatic shit, is your checkbook balanced? Or has it been 30 years since you balanced a checkbook? Do you have all your paper receipts handy? How sure are you of which deposits and transactions have cleared by open a business this morning?

This is like suggesting SpaceX pull out the slide rules to get their re-usable rockets landed safely.

Not to defend Colonial, but they are a business and they’re in business to make money. Also, the computer systems have replaced the manual paper systems of yore. You can’t just suddenly grab a pad of paper and a calculator to replace complex automated billing systems and having them on standby doesn’t really make

A company couldn’t bill its customers and they’re greedy and evil because they should have just given away everything for free instead? What?

It wasn’t turn 1. It was the turn at number 6 on this map. They had been driving 2/3's of the lap

“Haha, I’m a thief, isn’t that so funny guys?”

He’s the Trump of Formula 1? Is it because he’s small and finishes quickly?

Ahh, the Saturday morning classic...

This. Plus, I’d be willing to bet that it’s hard for some of these handling packages to catch on with your average American buyer who is probably far more interested in how many cylinders their performance car has than how well it goes around a corner or stops.

Agriculture loans are good for like 30 years aren’t they?