This article is straight up 100% wrong.
This article is straight up 100% wrong.
The main valid reason for not putting your windshield wipers up is that, over time, it will stretch the metal springs that keep the arms tight against your windshield. This will lead to less effective wiping.
Jalopnik just pushed the opposite opinion yesterday. Y’all need to talk:
“which was just a Legacy with some plastic cladded and a bit more ground clearance.”
I went to the local auto show at the peak of the Buick/Tiger partnership (2004 or so). At the time, the pairing made a weird kind of sense. Tiger was the face of golf. Golf was (is) the sport of geriatrics. Buick was (is?) a brand for geriatrics. I was vaguely aware at the time that Buick was making inroads in China,…
Olds screams Grandma, not technological advancement.
Saturn could’ve made GM “Think Different”. From their no-hassle sales model to their innovative use of plastic body panels, they were a set towards a future.
I’ve heard this kind of rationalization before. Once in a while though, a deer, a cyclist or someone just walking will be right at the apex...
He is an F3 driver after all... He can’t quite afford the real thing yet.
Hey, he was only tucking in his shirt.
Is your lawyer the former mayor of New York?
Odd that the author says multi-player games were better on the competitor but it was generally known that Xbox live was better for multi-player and multiplatform
Let me sum up this article:
As Half-track El Camino mentioned, they need people who couldn’t care less about the environment to buy EVs. Ignore that this is better for the environment. Its a ONE THOUSAND HORSEPOWER HUMMER.
I say this as a dyed-in-the-wool environmentalist: at some point, we need to get people who don’t give a shit about the environment to also buy EVs. We need to get everyone (or at least most people) driving vehicles that aren’t powered by fossil fuels if we are to have a hope of preserving at least some of the Earth’s…
That’s a pretty good Nissan ad. Probably the second greatest Nissan ad ever. After this one:
Hmm—I thought the 328 of this generation was normally aspirated and the 335 was the turboed version. But I stopped paying too much attention post e46 as to me this is still the ugliest 3er BMW ever made. While it looks much nicer in wagon form than sedan or coupe, 150K miles of this era BMW is always a massive,…