Porn is the same as alcohol. Many people can have a beer or two after work once or twice a week and it doesn’t turn into anything. Others can be triggered into binge drinking by one glass of wine. It’s not the substance it’s the person consuming it.
Porn is the same as alcohol. Many people can have a beer or two after work once or twice a week and it doesn’t turn into anything. Others can be triggered into binge drinking by one glass of wine. It’s not the substance it’s the person consuming it.
It’s not groping for the right phrase. It was the mindset of her kidnapper, and that’s clearly how the phrase was used. his mindset is not normal, "child bride" does not indicate in any way something that is acceptable or even remotely so.
Let me suggest that this is an argument of semantics based off a misunderstanding of meaning, not substance.
For me personally, the phrase “child bride” translates directly as rape victim, and furthermore a rape victim who was a) a minor, and likely pre-pubescent or in her early teens, and b) told in some way that her situation was “normal”, i.e. within the defined social contract of marriage. Both of those factors, for me…
that’s semantics. Anybody with any reading comprehension would know that child bride in that context=rape victim
Speaking on behalf of... well me and my other half, really. We both enjoy a bit of porn. We’re also both female. Occasionally it helps ya get in the mood. Sometimes it’s just funny. One would assume the same applies to most humans.
I think the child bride comment is reference to her captor call her his 2nd wife.
How about the inverse? I’m a man who’s partner enjoys pornography. It’s had absolutely zero impact on our relationship.
Like any other addiction, pornography use can make an already sick person worse. I doubt if you’re healthy that moderate use of porn will change much about you.
And child brides aren’t rape victims?
Agreed. Millions (billions?) of men and women consume porn - many regularly or daily - and very few of them are rapists and/or kidnappers. This is, to me, a correlation-does-not-equal-causation situation. Rather than the porn viewing making his treatment of her worse, perhaps the same mental illness and/or urges that…
Slave labor is awesome?
I feel like a person whose introduction to porn was their rapist abductor kind of doesn't have the most level starting point for a conversation about the subject. But maybe that's just me.
Call me crazy, but calling it ‘worse’ as if there are variables when you’re kidnapped as a child bride by a lunatic won’t change my mind about porn.
I don’t watch enough cycling to know if it was intentional, but it certainly looked careless at the very least. He looks right at him and then veers into his path.
Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.
You make living sound like it sucks.
Lived in Pasadena and worked around B-More and AA counties; every man in The Burnie/Pasadena was issued a Todd Heap jersey. You can show a movie on the average Ravens fan’s forehead.
You have the Orioles to blame for the Denver thing. All they had to do was switch to a day game.