Capt Figpuckr Crimea Rivr Song

I died only a few times in Horizon.  I’ve died hundreds of times in Elden Ring. 

Yeah, you tell’em! Disabled, older people like me are figments of my imagination. Thankfully, there’s mods for the PC version. And if you’re playing online getting all those hints from people you’re playing the easy version. I played offline. I didn’t even know those hints existed until I started watching videos

I’m going to assume that Polygon gets free review copies before release unlike Kotaku who doesn’t because Kotaku doesn’t pull punches when a game sucks. Although I could be wrong and the reviewer could just have a blindspot for this game. Or perhaps critics do. After all the user score was 20 while critics score

If you want to check out how the game plays these days its been using the same game OS since 2018 so you can buy an used older edition if you don’t mind the rosters being out of date. That way if you hate it you’ve only spent like ten bucks instead of over sixty. Or does the PS5 have backs combability? I had an xbone

Simple answer: they make more money this way and don’t give one fuck about the players of these games. And then people keep buying them over and over so there’s no incentive for EA to change its behavior because to them the game is doing what they want, which is make as much money as possible. They’ve decided to do as

Me? I just want people to shut up, and not make me think cynically every time anything approaching “woke” exists. It’s exhausting, and unfortunately, not a mental process I can just “turn off”.

You mean to say regardless. Look up irregardless and it’ll say nonstandard, as in not an actual word but used by those who think it is, followed by the one word definition: regardless.

These people hate who they are. But because of their emotional stuntedness they cannot admit to themselves let alone seek help for it so they project their self-hatred onto others. Soon they are always perfect and there’s a whole bunch of people and groups to hate so they never have to think of how much they hate

Worrying about what conservatives are going to say or do is pointless. Even if we were flawlessly perfect beings they’d manufacture stuff and they do that now when we’re full of flaws and have plenty of faults for them to pick at. Editing oneself for the likes of people who’d gladly delete us from reality is

Because that doesn’t happen as often as you think it does. Maybe it happens in your head far more often than in reality. Perhaps you’re the person fixated on this and not other people.

A fem boy realizing she’s a girl is more interesting than just a fem boy.

Let me let you in on a secret, you need therapy and are disconnected from reality.

You need therapy. 

Before the internet people with absurd beliefs had few people to talk to with like minded absurd beliefs. People in their communities told them their beliefs were absurd and they were often shunned for them. The internet connected people with absurd beliefs with one another allowing them to go from the crackpot the


I want a cartoon voiced entirely by Justin Roiland, Dana Snyder, H. Jon Benjamin and the ghost of Jessica Walter. 

You have to ignore a whole lot of Rick’s story to see him as a hero. He literally committed genocide upon his fellow Ricks to the point the notoriously anti-social Ricks formed the Citadel of Ricks. They also manufacture Morty’s, aka slaves, that are designed to assure Rick he isn’t a piece of shit and to always

If you are going to buy the game and can buy it for PC do that so you can mod it if those things get grating. If you find it grating undoubtedly a modder out there will too and create a mod to reduce the number of quips or turn them off completely.

I find those cringeful people cringeful. Oh no, I’ve become a part of the problem and not the solution.  

Fandom isn’t the problem, extremists amongst the fandom is. Extremists infest almost everything and the net has made it all the more easier for like minded extremists to find one another and then make each even more extreme by just communicating with one another by having to one-up one another in their extremism. Most