Ahh, the classic Give Me Yours Democrat philosophy.
Ahh, the classic Give Me Yours Democrat philosophy.
He may still have shit insurance; that doesn’t mean it isn’t shittier post-ACA.
LMAO - You must be a liberal idiot. You’re literally demonizing anyone that doesn’t agree with you. Priceless.
I’ll take a shot at trying to answer that.
What is the stance on the NAACP now? I heard that they’re not quite popular as the organization has gotten a little . . . stodgy? Top heavy? I’m not sure.
Sorry, but I’m sort of in agreement with you but for different reasons. The investigation should end soon, regardless of what JJ is calling up and screaming to the investigators.
What will you do for $11.50 because that’s all I’ve got on me right now?
Is it the new strain of gonorrhea that can’t be cured? If so, green discharge leaking from his dick is going to be an everyday occurrence.
It’s her daughter, Tiffany Thompson, Jr., but EE fucked both of them and then (allegedly) punched them both in the face. It’s a tabloid story that Deadspin has only begun to uncover!
True. Plus, FIFA is the most corrupt sporting organization on the planet followed closely by the IOC and Penn State Football (sorry, can’t help it) and they tend to ignore that as well.
I agree with you in large part. But if the victim, Thompson, pushed this it would get headlines and would be pursued.
And American employers thank you for your demands then tell you to go fuck yourself.
What this entire story lacks is an attempt to talk to Thompson to ask her what she told the investigators.
Maybe because he’s referring to a specific League (the NFL) and not any other league (like the nautical unit, or MLB, or anything else) and has a fundamental knowledge of the English language that you do not have?
You’re on to something. Deadspin has a definite NFL bias that’s become blatant; I’m not sure if they have some stake in US football/soccer (which I enjoy and follow USMNT, USWNT, MLS, EPL, and anything else I can find) but they promote the Hell out of it, and there’s plenty of problems with most of those leagues, and…
I’m going to guess that whoever is paying for it to be made wants it. You don’t want it? Don’t pay to see it.
Yeah, the 4th biggest city in the US isn’t a city at all.
Hell, dude, it’s a service they should offer to EVERYONE. I’m a little upset only convicts get free vasectomies. No one wants child support and let’s give everyone a vasectomy that wants one.
So is good behavior, right? They also hold that out to inmates to get an earlier release. How is this any different?
People will ignore all that! After all, she’s running against a game show host! We’ll be the first party to elect a woman and we’ll reap those benefits for at least three election cycles!