
Your take is mine as well.

Let me get this straight - either everyone votes how you want them to, or else you say “fuck you” right?

Well, you wanted Hillary. You got her. Now you get to live with it.

We’re Legion. That’s why we run the place and you’re the one that bitches about it. Get used to it.

I’m sure that’s the only thing on his mind while he’s draining his second fifth of JW Blue this afternoon.

Thompson got paid, which is what she wanted to being with, but these bitches will never tell you that.

It’s a choice that they can freely make. That’s the opposite of coercion.

Who is this bitch and why do I care who she thinks her President is?

Great, now they can pass it along to more people. Yay Progress.

Keep preaching your version of how the world “should” work. I’ll deal with reality. In the meantime . . .

When Justice Gorsuch casts his vote, you let me know who the “fucking idiot” is you retarded faggot.

You’re a coward and everything that is going to happen in the next few years is something you asked for and is something you deserve.

Nothing in his comment insulted you.

Let me see if I understand you.


The very case he cited DOES rule on it. It says political gerrymandering is not justiciable; meaning that it’s not for the SCOTUS to decide. That’s why the underlying decision was upheld. Here’s the holding from that case:

Why would Congress do this? Both parties engage in gerrymandering. You can argue that Democrats should fix this but that’s not going to happen in either the House or the Senate.

LOL - the Vieth case was not “dismissed”. It was taken and a decision was issued. The lower court had previously dismissed the case because it ruled that political gerrymandering was permissible. Claiming that case was “dimissed” when it wasn’t is simply dishonest

Yes. For starters, the one you’re commenting on where, during oral arguments, the following was admitted:

No, you did NOT use that quote in your initial reply. The article correctly states the very opposite of what you’re arguing. It notes: