
Shut the fuck up.

As a general proposition, how many non-white viewers do you think turn in to something like Dickensian?

British TV to Idris Elba: “No, Sir, we do not.”

Fine with me, bitch.

A rape victim from NY, apparently moves to Seattle where the rape in investigated. As anyone would, she goes on a 10 hour bar crawl with the investigators, then goes to their room. There, one of the investigators apparently tries to take her clothes off and gets pretty handsy. Allegedly. She sues him.

No one gives a shit about this story. It’s vanished from this fucking site in less than 24 hours. Patterson’s going to spend the rest of her life exactly where she belongs: in prison. It’s a good thing. In 5 days you’ll probably have forgotten this conversation or who this bitch was.

I hope to God you don’t have kids. I don’t know anything about you but you’re someone that shouldn’t be entrusted to raise a kid. That’s not eugenics, it’s common sense.

Sorry, what are you bitching about?

That’s a good point - coming forward and claiming sexual assault is not easy.

And going on a 10 hour bar crawl with the guy that’s investigating an alleged rape then going back to his hotel room . . . and accusing him of assaulting you makes perfect sense.

But you retain all credibility for the accuser who willingly went along on a 10 hour bar crawl with the guys that were supposed to be investigating her alleged assault?

There’s a link in the story. I’d be interested in your thoughts on it. The argument is that had this been played to the jury it may have led to Patterson’s acquittal.

The police did Mirandize her. Even she admits that.

We’re not in Japan (but way to go off-the-wall yet again) and she gave a confession of her own free will.

Nice rant, bro. I hope you have some Kleenex because you cry a lot.

Let me educate you.

I didn’t advocate for eugenics. I think she’ll be a bad parent because she’s a shitty person. I don’t think that’s genetic, I think it’s because she comes from a long line of trash. Nurture often counts for more than nature.

You have no point. No one held a gun to her head. She confessed to the crime, on video, because she did it.

When I do something and then confess of committing a felony that resulted in a death to someone, I’ll be trash like this woman. Until then, I’m not. That’s what separates me from criminals.

Sorry, but it’s true. She’s trash and trashy people tend to raise trashy kids. It’s not genetic, it’s just how childrearing works. My guess is she comes from a long line of trash and is just carrying on the family tradition.