She’s not on death row. She’s going to serve life in prison, as she should, but they’re not going to execute her.
She’s not on death row. She’s going to serve life in prison, as she should, but they’re not going to execute her.
Given she admitted to the crime in a videotaped confession, your tears are wasted. Given she admitted she took the necklace from the crime scene and then tried to dispose of it, I think your tears are wasted.
No one made her give a videotaped confession. She did that herself. There’s nothing illegal about that and that’s why every appeal she filed failed.
She didn’t make the 911 call while standing at the murder scene. She made it after she went home. She wasn’t panicked and all you need to do is listen to the 911 call. She’s calm as can be while lying her dumb ass off.
No way. They get their own category and that category is “They won the AFC South with Hoyer, Mallet and Yates.”
The Texans made it. Just because it’s the playoffs doesn’t mean all the teams in it are good.
Hey, I wanted you to know I signed the Petition.
Sorry, the only reason you care about this story is because the headline drew you in. If it didn’t say anything about a young black woman being held for a murder she didn’t commit (which no one disputes but I guess the author, like you, knows nothing about how the FMR operates) you wouldn’t have given a shit.
LMAO - Really? She DIDN’T get her ass kicked? You must have a poor grasp of the English language.
If she wasn’t involved in the crime, why was she so panicked? She sounded calm as could be on the 911 tape. She had time to think up all those lies she told on the call. She had time to think and try and flush the stolen necklace down the toilet.
I disagree with you on the 911 call. Have you heard it? There’s a link to it in the story. It definitely does NOT help this woman. If a jury heard that, they’d probably want to give her the death penalty. She lies throughout the whole thing and does so in a way that, to me, is pretty cold blooded.
Thanks, I know. That’s part of the fun in coming to Gawker/Jezebel!
All the people that participated in the felony did time. They admitted what they did. This stupid bitch didn’t, went to trial, got her ass kicked, and is now reaping the consequences of her decision.
Sorry, but taking property from homicide scenes isn’t normal behavior. We don’t live in a jungle. I’m still very happy this woman’s doing time and will enjoy it more every day she’s in there.
Sorry it took so long to respond to you. I was sleeping really, really, really well and all your wailing went unnoticed.
If your genitals want to reach out to a cerebral palsy dude, you may want to think about just cutting them off altogether.
By the way, Rome is in continental Europe. FFS.
Maybe because she lies throughout the whole call in a totally calm voice? Following a horrific murder/robbery, that’s not going to play well with a jury.
Allegedly. From a murder scene. Because we all know a homicide scene is a free-for-all where you just grab everything that’s around and run. In Baltimore, a homicide scene is like Christmas, just with murder and mayhem. That’s totally normal, right?
No, it’s not. It’s her own statement and she’s party. It’s legally admissible under a number of evidentiary rules.