Sorry, but you can cry and wail all you want and it’s just an idiot crying on the internet.
Sorry, but you can cry and wail all you want and it’s just an idiot crying on the internet.
This show had a point?
I’ll argue against that until the end of time. Corporate America will sell anything if it makes money. Including films with black casts.
Meh, this like saying “Independence Day” and “Avatar” set records so let’s go diverse. I don’t buy that idea, but you make a good point. I think if the story is good, it will (hopefully) sell, turn a profit, and lead to more movies like that.
Dammit, yo, I just got done responding to the last one!
Just because NPR says it does not make it so. And, to be honest, I seriously doubt that a foundation formed to advance AA interests would say anything except what is in that report
Jesus, now you’re arguing in circles.
I’ve no doubt you’re your own biggest fan, but seriously, who else possibly could be?
The jurors didn’t hear the 911 tape.
Probably true, but shitty comments tend to get shitty responses.
The defense attorneys representing this idiot agreed with me as would any sane person that listens to it. She lies throughout the entire call. Why? Because she’s fucking guilty. If she was innocent, she would have spilled her guts honestly.
Fortunately for me, I don’t care if an idiot calls me, well, anything. Suffice it to say, you’re full of shit.
I respect that opinion, but don’t think it’s entirely accurate. In the US, I think that there will always be a market (albeit small) for films that feature black characters. In my opinion, comedies are the main genre, but that’s open to argument and I won’t pretend I know anything more about the industry than anyone…
Bullshit. You’re basing everything you’re saying on crap being published now by idiots trying to free this woman who has ZERO chance of being released.
Good thing I never said she had a duty to incriminate herself. The reason “the best evidence” of her alleged innocence wasn’t played at trial was because . . . it TOTALLY incriminated her.
Selma and 12YaN were good films but got more praise, in my opinion, because no one is going to say those movies were overwrought, dull at times, and overacted because they’d catch flak if they did. Those movies were good, but were not the best the year of their release.
The person that owned the necklace testified Patterson punched her in the face and stole it.
Were that the case, I’d expect Hispanics to be threatening to boycott. Or Asians. Or any other ethnic group.
Has Irsay, Jr. released a statement yet? Is it covered in Oxycontin?
She called 911 and lied the entire time. She denied she knew what vehicle was involved, whether she was present, her name, and every other detail.