
Read the story. The person that owned the necklace testified Patterson punched her in the face and stole the necklace.

She didn’t try and prevent anything. She actively participated. Afterwards, she called 911 and lied her ass off about everything.

I’m not. I suppose you think you’re adding something to the conversation but you should think again.

As I told the original commenter, I really don’t give a fuck. I suppose it’s good to know, but as it relates to this story, it adds nothing.

I have no idea what that means, but the basic concepts in our system can be traced back to Rome. Also, Denmark did not exist as a country when Rome was an active government, so obviously it wasn’t conquered.

Poor fucking you. I don’t hear Hispanics crying and they’re a bigger part of the population than blacks and have as many quality workers in the field.

Or, more to the point: Who cares if blacks don’t show? I suppose blacks will think it sends a big statement but no one else will notice. I don’t know any Asians that went to the Oscars last year, either.

If he shakes things up, he’s not going to get another gig.

Why? They, generally, don’t make money unless they’re a comedy. It’s more profitable to crank out Marvel movies. If blacks want to get more noms, they need to produce their own films and earn them.

But she’s an (alleged) “working actor” and knows everything. She can’t tell you, or back anything she’s saying up, but she’s a “working actor” so bow down.

Right, ask Cuba Gooding about that.

OK. So we know that allegedly, a bunch of black celebrities are going to boycott the show. I guess that means we’re looking at a possible D List actor that’s going to take such a courageous stand.

Good. That only means there will be better looking people in the audience.

Question for Eagles fans: How happy are you to have an Andy Reid assistant running your team now? I hope Pederson learned his clock management skills from The Master!

I think Hearst started that here in the US a long time ago. Virtually all major media is selling an angle, FOX “News” for example.

NFL matchup is awesome! Or whatever they’re calling it now.

Jaws is one of the few analysts around that doesn’t make me want to dump acid in my ears but . . . Doug Pederson? Dunno, Jaws.

WAIT A SECOND!!! I thought that all white members of law enforcement were out to shanghai all black men straight to prison?!?

Yes, I can. Just because the other victim didn’t see Patterson there doesn’t mean she wasn’t there. I tend to trust the one that said Patterson punched her in the face and then took the necklace . . . that was later found on Patterson.

She participated in a felony, punched a girl in the face and stole her necklace, someone ended up dead, then she went and called 911 and lied through her teeth the whole call.