Captain Cone

You got the wrong twin!

Until Maeby starts binning the meth and pocketing money to balance the books.

Alien is a fantastic movie because its entirely driven by the fear of the unknown, the fear that all manner of horrors completely unable to be understood by something as insignificant as humanity lurk in the infinite blackness of space.

My exact thought! What with having Jessica Walter, Judy Greer AND Jeffrey Tambor in this season I was hoping for a slight nod somewhere.

I agree with this so strongly - if we stopped being satisfied with 'fine' maybe studios would stop putting out mediocre films. Whilst I enjoyed TFA and RO and am hugely excited about TLJ, I have no doubt the Star Wars movies are quickly becoming 'satisfactory', once-a-year safe films. :(

Bad Transformers movies? I wasn't aware of any good ones.

The kicker is, they replaced the snare drum with the one from St. Anger.

Hmm, this wookiee steak is a bit… Chewie.

Well technically she was born on or near Mustafa, which is probably still there soooo…

My exact thoughts!

I have really long, thick hair which I don't wash because I'm a dirty hippie.

I consider murdering children a sin, and you're right, it DOES mean I cross my arms when it happens and will never buy it; that's the point of disliking something on the principle.

Tangential point, but I found Jurassic World to be a bland and boring cash grab, cashing in on a well known franchise, and it makes me really sad that the same writer and the same director will be doing Episode IX. I know Looper gets a lot of shit for being scientifically unrealistic, but I'll be damned if it isn't a

BoJack Horseman!

I own Diabolus, God Hates, Christ Illusion, World and Repentless and I've seen Slayer 6 times over the last 7 years - I honestly love them :) I just think they stopped being interesting 20 years ago; but like you said, maybe my tastes just changed!

Maybe he should have done - Jeff Hanneman was always the better writer, and Slayer's last actually good album was Undisputed Attitude, anyway.

The characters on BoJack Horseman have five digits, though.

Anthropomorphic animals with one of the main characters voiced by an actor from Arrested Development? Hmm, seems like that's been done anyway

Fleabag is yet another show that totally BoJacked me.

Looks like he's going to be…