Captain Cone

I HATE sequels done for the sake of it. The Empire Strikes Back (for example) is a great sequel because it builds on the story of the first film to add to the series in a meaningful way; the same can be said of Alien 2. But when you can 'crank out' sequel after sequel, are they REALLY going to be unique, necessary

Maybe they should call him Boy George!

Although it did win Egg back.

This is great news, but its a sad reflection of the state of our culture that this is great news.

Let's not put all of our Anns in one basket.

Looks like he DIDN'T make a 'huge mistake'

Mr Peanutbutter strikes again!

Who lit my Ottoman on fire?!

I knew there'd be an AD reference here somewhere.

All the way dumb.

I love that it has both GOB and George Michael Bluth in the cast.

It's very rare that bands can a) keep the same line up from the get go and b) never release a bad album, and so far Mastodon are proving extraordinary. New song sounds great - can't wait to hear the whole piece. I'm a Blood Mountain guy myself but I love every single 'Don album and hopefully Emperor of Sand won't

2 Last 2 Jedi

James Cameron doesn't do what James Cameron does for James Cameron; James Cameron does what James Cameron does because James Cameron is James Cameron.

J. Walter Wookieman

Songs for the Deaf has one of those, I believe.

Lay off him man, he obviously had a long day at the stock market doing businesses.

I find it strange that Josh Homme writes such elegant, beautiful, expressive and intelligent music/lyrics in QotSA, yet his best friend is a gun-lovin' right wing nutcase.

What are YOU doing here?

Add QotSA to the lineup and I'll cross the ocean for this one!!