Captain Cone

The only thrashin' JH I know is Jeff Hanneman - although I'd welcome Mr Homme to duet with Slayer one day!

I saw Tony Hale's name in the credits, who did he play? It seems a shame that his character didn't say "I'm a monster!"

Ya ya ya

What are *you* doing here?

… Did she not realise the title 'Lust for Life' is already famously attributed to Iggy Pop? That would be like my band releasing an album called Songs for the Deaf.

Almost entirely tangential comment, but my name is Fionn and this is the first time in my life I've seen anyone else with that name. Is that reason alone to watch this movie?

Whoever wrote this: what do they know? Do they know anything? Let's find out!

I thought the relevance of the cold open was to introduce the 'mistaken identity/address' theme that Maurice then unwittingly brings about later.

"There's no improv in Star Wars"… did they not realise that Han Solo's very famous "I know" line was improvised?

As long as he narrates it too!

Came here to say this!

I agree that Greg's homosexuality being played for laughs is a bit mean/unfair, but I love Ginny recounting how Greg 'came back' to her:

Isn't Will Arnett in it too? I'm glad all the AD cast members are slowly landing on Netflix…


This is all well and good but WHERE THE FUCK IS THE NEW QOTSA ALBUM

He could hide the money in the walls of the banana stand.

The solo from about 1:50 in The Bronze by Queens of the Stone Age. The whole song is about being lost and unsure of where you are as life's complexities and variety really sink in ('The more you've found, the less you've been around') and the solo, especially the bit at the end, really channel that desperate sad

Or Feel Good Hit of the Summer by QotSA for that matter!

Demon Cleaner by Kyuss would be fucked.

They cover it in soap, and you're supposed to thank them, like they're doing you a favour!