Captain Cone

Didn't they actually do that on South Park with Isaac Hayes' dialogue?

I think Slipknot got there first.

I agree - my go-to example for this is John Carpenter's The Thing. The effects are so *gross* - you can almost feel how slimy they are just from the way they inhumanly wriggle around chaotically. CGI just doesn't have that ever-so-slightly 'uncanny valley' effect which adds to the horror and mystery,

Downgrading an episode because it's incredibly emotionally effective seems silly - I mean, there's a part of me that actually wishes I hadn't watched this because of how unpleasant it's made me feel, but surely, if anything, that speaks to it's high quality? No one ever gets disturbed by rubbish, inane writing.

I honestly give this an A (an A+, if it were possible); maybe it's just because while I watched it this morning it was after a sleepless night and I felt very on edge as it was, but watching this poor, nervous kid get pushed around, made to rob a bank and KILL SOMEONE (after he tries to kill himself) just really

I used to feel the same way about Michael Cera (couldn't stand him at all), but getting into Arrested Development made me really come around to him and I'd actually call myself a fan now.

"NBD" stands for "No BD" as in "BD Wong", who is a big deal. So when they say "NBD", they mean "No big deal"

What is this, a very special episode?

I came here to say Michael and George-Michael Bluth, but thankfully a well-written answer was already there.

Will Arnett.

So everyone made a huge mistake?

Hey Lindsay, how's the activism going?

Member when we took two strokes off of Jerry's golf game?

There was another f-bomb in season 1 - Herb telling BoJack to 'get the fuck out of my house'.

I'll just use my Orgazmorator.. meep

Knowing how intricate this show is, I'm secretly hoping that in season 4, somewhere in the background we see a baby addicted to vaping.

His music is shit too.

I dunno about you guys, but I always think about tri - er - illusions when I hear The Final Countdown.

I'm absolutely in love with Will Arnett's voice <3

"Your plastic pal who's fun to be with!"