Captain Cone

Well he appeared to survive being stabbed with a lightsaber and falling down a chasm into an exploding planet alright

As someone who IS circularly self-destructive and nihilistically miserable, I'm incredibly drawn to the study of his character, I must say

Was… was the joke about eating all 12 muffins a reference to the fact that us fans binge all 12 episodes as soon as they come out? Because if so that is WICKED clever.

Lernernerner DiCapricorn? That's a real name!

Although I would have gone with 'Califawnication'


No South Park devil??

Segway? Banana costume?

Presumably his attack move will be to use Mustaine's stuff for the only good albums and be severely overrated and undeserving of success ever after

General Hux's Hitler speech is the best scene in TFA - gives me chills every time!

No Bluths?

"Not soon enough?" fucking floored me

My theory is that eventually every AV Club article will contain Arrested Development quotes in the comments section.

Well I already worship at the altar of Joshua Homme so time isn't always necessary!

Rob Schneider is… a phone! Rated PG-13.

Troy is a great guitar player, but Josh is definitely the most talented member of Queens.

And those two brothers are in a van. It's called Two Brothers.. it's just called Two Brothers?

RIP Jeff - him and Tom were the DNA of Slayer.

Ignoring the recycled plot points (that's a discussion in and of itself - I liked the familiarity, others did not), I really like the attention to detail of recreated the actual camera shots. It's easy to re-use a story idea, but it takes a real eye for detail to recreate a wealth of similar shots with different

The show is, unfortunately, fairly mediocre but I'm enjoying it more as an insight into Will Arnett's history of sadness and alcoholism. Especially with the 'celebrity actress ex-wife', who is obviously meant to represent Amy Poehler.