But seriously what the fuckity fuck?
But seriously what the fuckity fuck?
Somebody studied at the Todd Akin School of How To Be A Deplorable Asshat.
Maybe there will be another job posting on LinkedIn that I can apply to and my cover letter will just be a picture of a man with flowers in his beard drinking from a mason jar while holding a baby goat in a poncho.
Esther Penelope. Or a name that a rich, old white lady on the Titanic would have.
wasn't there a tumblr post that was like "seb stan's villain origin story: calling bucky barnes a villain"
I actually love you
captain america is disappointed in buzzfeed calling the winter soldier a villain
If these two can't make it I sure as hell have no hope for my ass.
If I cover my eyes and sing, I can pretend this isn't happening. Right?
I'm going to have baby goats at my wedding, but I am getting married on the family farm in a way that Blake Lively would approve of. So I guess it's allowed.
👯 Karlie and Taylor are the two dancing girls emoji personified and I love it. 👯
Anyone else sort of annoyed that he suggests that young people don't really know where they stand on issues? Maybe I just know a lot of politically-minded teens, but I feel like kids really do know where they stand on today's issues. The main problem is we can't get them to the polls.
I'm so tired of freakin' Republicans in my state putting through these bills that they know will get absolutely nowhere just so they can tell voters in their district that they're a "strong conservative voice" and it's those damn liberals in Kansas City and St. Louis who are tearing apart family values. I wish someone…
To the men who are threatened by women's success and blame it on feminism instead of their own fragile egos:
She's also tired of people calling her ScarJo but no one really cares about the opinion of women these days. Well, unless it's to mock them.
I'm afraid to watch him turn into a whackadoodle because I'm afraid I'd wake up to find him staring at me from my closet.
Edited because I shouldn't write comments half asleep.