Captain Bathroom

Make me.

Actually Banner was just threatened, and he got so scared he couldn't Hulk out. Jim Shooter basically thinks that gay people are not Hulk-level threats, but greater than Hulk-level threats. Gay people are Galactus, Mephisto, a pissed-off Odin wearing the Destroyer armor.

The type of derailing you're engaging in here is known as a "tone argument." Basically, since there are no reasonable objections to the content of my message, you instead react to the tone. An easy thing to see through, but it still shows that you think it's unacceptable to feel anger when the EIC of a media

But in all seriousness, this is classic AV club: old nerd conducts a smirking, pee-pants defense of a hateful, disgraced ex-boss of a funnybook company, for no other reason than automatic, thoughtless defensiveness.

Smugness won't save you when your friends abandon you, embarrassed by your retrograde old-white-shithead beliefs.

You're a massive homophobe and should be shot in the face.

Jim Shooter is a homophobic piece of garbage and I hope I have a thousand gay sons and daughters so they can burn him in effigy every birthday.

You're a fucking idiot.

Have you ever considered drowning in piss, yknow as a lifestyle choice?

She's actually a kind of IRA.

Don't say that about yourself Steve, we all love you. We respect you.

What's up, you old boyslut, HHRRRNNGH, I can see your droopy balls through your khakis, GRRRRR, man it smells like a hog farm in here, THBPBDTHP, gonna work you over like a Japanese POW camp guard you sexy grandpa.

Let's all try to develop new and appalling sexual catastrophes and write in about them. Let's be part of the solution. I'll start by taking a dump in the fireplace while sexually harassing an elderly man.

It reveals that you haven't seen the greatest movie of all time, Black Snake Moan. Simply beyond the pale.

What do noble beasts like dogs and pigs have to do with brainless garbage creatures like cats?

I always remind the neighborhood children that the most important sex advice is to buckle up so you can live to fuck another day.

Wallace was in Chronicle, and he's going to be the Human Torch apparently.

You all ever notice that Walter White Jr. loves breakfast?

From now on I'm just going to pour scalding coffee on people I'm attracted to. If it hurts them, our love wasn't meant to be. Old witchhunter trick.

No, because I'm not some NERD who likes DC and Star Wars, I'm a FUCKING COOL GUY who likes Marvel and Star Trek.