Captain Tripps

That doesn’t make him not hurt, that makes him trying to ride emotion through his physical limitations. Also something extremely common in sports. What was the consistent level of his play? We saw him get hurt (a couple of times), we saw him come back too soon and basically limp the rest of the way. That there was the

The problem continues to be that the people who support him and voted for him simply don’t care, and the protests are not really affecting their opinions. We’re making ourselves feel better, but it’s not changing anything, nor likely will. The best outcome from that line of effort is that he doesn’t win reelection. In

The thing is, he also does a lot of stuff that he said he would, but no one actually believed would happen. So he’s crazy that way.

Your shoulders are going to be sorest the nxt day. narrower seems to squeeze the chest more at the top of the pushup tho in my experience.

I mean, he was obviously hurt. That’s a factual thing that happened. How does that not mean anything? People are acting as if it’s a new thing in sports, people getting hurt before and during big games/series and not playing up to their normal standard. When it happens to the single most important player on the team,

Are you seriously expecting someone to selfdox on a public forum? For who, for WHAT?

I mean, it seems obvious that Lebron’s comments are in the context of the Warriors getting Durant. Like, you can’t just hope the status quo is enough in the face of that kind of upgrade by your chief rival. To even match it they’d have to get someone like Russell Westbrook or Kyle Lowry, which are obviously pipe

What are you talking about? He’s been taking more criticism than anyone else in the league since 2010. His usually reaction is passive aggressive at more, you rarely get this kind of snapback from him. Letting people talk is all he does, so much so that when he responds it’s so much bigger than it should otherwise be.

In what world are entire countries full of people “they”.

Like, what is there to hmm about. You have literally no idea what her background is, where her parents came from, etc.

Age discrimination generally works to protect older workers, not younger. There are usually legitimate reasons for not hiring minors, such as the expectation of working with alcohol, random hours and late nights, etc.

More than bears considering, I imagine.

They did say they were looking for one that said minors need not apply. So not speaking English very well, yea, that’s a mistake I can believe. Like, rather than intentionally putting a racist sign up on their front door, which is something you don’t even see Klansman do anymore. A mistake actually makes far more

She’d have to be racist AND stupid, right? and completely unaware of how labor laws work in the US. You can set an age floor, but you can’t discriminate based on race. Like, the simplest explanation is a mistake. Even honet to God racists generally just satisfy themselves with throwing the application away after the

Also damn, really? All Asians are whatever you experienced that one time, yea?

Wouldn’t the more likely scenario be that whoever she hired to make the sign took advantage of her poor language skills? The story makes it seem like she paid someone else to do it (it’s printed, not hand written). So someone likely caught on that she doesn’t speak the language well, and decided to fuck with her.

Wouldn’t the more likely scenario be that whoever she hired to make the sign took advantage of her poor language skills? The story makes it seem like she paid someone else to do it (it’s printed, not hand written). So someone likely caught on that she doesn’t speak the language well, and decided to fuck with her. They

Regardless of their personal views, there’s no way, if they were aware completely of what that said, that they would post it publicly like that. Like, I really have a hard time believing that. Even the worst white supremacists wouldn’t put it on the door of their business.

It’s dead meat cut up and burned. Everything else is merely presentation.

So who the fuck is Gandalf there playing?