Captain Tripps

Such is the life for a defensive back in the NFL.

That’s literally the life of a defensive back in the NFL.

And they would reference what happened at the end of the game.

The point of the title is to TLDR the review tho...that’s exactly what you want it to do.

It can be more than one thing, I do hope you realize that. It’s completely franchise fatigue for me, and I loved TLJ and Rogue One. I just, didn’t need a solo Solo flick. It’s all a bit much.

I mean, you could ignore other fans. Who cares. Never in my life let the opinions of someone else dictate my enjoyment of anything. That doesn’t even make sense.

Dudes. It’s one fucking movie, making hundreds of millions of dollars. Christ almighty, it’s an origin story filler, why would anyone be surprised at less interest? I’m an avid series fan who owns an original VHS copy of Star Wars (No New Hope) and loved TLJ and Rogue One, and I haven’t seen Solo yet, nor am I in a

Are you somehow of the opinion that outrage is a finite resource? Or are you only able to focus on one thing at a time.

It’s a pretty fun movie, moves quickly so the time flies, and it’s gorgeous in 3D. One I might buy to watch at home that way.

There’s nothing nuanced or modern about using faggot as a general slur. Even divorced from homophobia, everyone knows what it’s referencing as a negative. Southpark doesn’t get to make that shit ok.

Uh, wut. He’s not black, and he used it as a slur against someone whose race he may or may not even know. In no fucking context is that ok. Finding the word nigger said by a white person offensive does not make someone racist, whatever the fuck logic that’s supposed to be.

Yea, no. Not at all in favor of normalizing nigger as a slur. Just stop saying it white people. It’s that simple. As a black man, if I hear that, it triggers the same reaction as a personal threat by someone, especially if you are the only one around. That’s the mental and physical response, as if someone brandished a

Very much this. As a young black man in the 90s my first personal exposure to racism came from the internet, and not the white kids I went to school with.

I mean I’m ok with him losing the job he has. That seems like a fair consequence given his behavior, and the public facing nature of what he does. Hopefully he learns something from it, and others do as well. The idea that nothing should happen to someone in these types of situations is ridiculous.

Do you regularly refer to us as “blacks” to our faces? Also I don’t remember the last time I or one of my friends said nigga outside of a song. Also there’s a difference between A and hard R.

He would need to ask for it first, I guess. And convince people he understands why what he did was wrong. I imagine it still costs him his job tho.

It can rip off a dozen things. And does.

There’;s a pretty huge difference between a 14 yr old and an 18 yr old. I remember that gulf, even if you don’t. I see it everyday amongst my kids and nephews., and my little brother who is 19.

I mean right? No one should do everything someone else tell’s them to, what kind of person is that? But that doesn’t mean parent’s shouldn’t set standards, or that failing to meet those standards shouldn’t have consequences. You do teach the kid that if they can balance the shit they don’t want you to know about with

I did a pretty standard amount of rebelling (drinking, tried marijuana, sex at 16) and it had no real longterm implications on my life. I would imagine this to be true for the vast majority of people in the world, who did things their parents told them not to, or that they wouldn’t want their kids doing.