Captain Tripps

Well they tend to be cheaper, so that makes perfect sense. But gaming is hardly defined by AAA super graphics titles. Why make that the end all be all, when it enver has been? Gaming is what people play. Hell WOW is kicking every Call of Duties ass still.

If they wantd to, yes. You don’t even really NEED anti-virus, what you are describing is behavioral problems. Not clicking random links, not visiting dodgy websites, not installing a million browser tabs. Most anti-spyware and anti-virus s just bloatware, and slowing your computer down far more critically than any

You sound like one of those late night infomercials, where people can’t figure out how to open cans without this new gadget. I don’t even remember the last time I turned my computer off besides the occasional restart, and even then it starts up faster than any console (it’s like 7 seconds from power button to splash

No it’s not, because the dancers don’t own the company. Your workers didn’t get to decide for you, did they? Perhaps some of them have different opinions and politics than yours? They do what you do tho, don’t they, when it comes to work. Or they quit. That’s what’s happening here. I’m a boss but not an owner at work,

I mean, sounds like a good policy to me. Forums like youtube and reddit could do with as little censorship as possible, and as much filtering as can technologically be provided, so the sane among us can avoid the filth.

I don’t even understand what you are talking about. At no point in my life would I ever come close to suggesting that the alt right, disgusting as it is, doesn’t have the right to it’s opinions, or to air them publicly. I get the right to react (and oppose) however I like, but I’m more than happy living in a world

You realize this is just a fundamentally stupid question, right? There’s no mystery here. Whether it’s something you’d do or not, what’s not to understand.

Which is why you shouldn’t start a website devoted to allow anyone to talk about anything. Because that’s definitely the wrong attitude to have going in. I don’t understand why so many people cn’t understand such a straightforward core concept.

Because that’s not the point of them. The point of Reddit is to allow people to talk about anything. Anything means anything, not merely what you are personally comfortable with. It’s not particularly hard to avoid the more toxic crap, the subreddits are fairly curated niches sites by design. That the crap exists is

It’s the internet. What the hell do you think the people who run Gawker say about all the shit that people are saying within it? Free speech isn’t a fallback, it’s the whole of the law.

You don’t think menw ould be forced to do their jobs? Do you suppose every man performing in the other groups who’ll be at the inaug want to be there or support Trumps politics? Why are you even suggesting it has to do with gender? The only shame would be in the Union allowing it’s members to unknowingly jeopardize

You don’t get booked to an event without agreeing to do it first, especially something like that which probably requires special permission, visas, etc.

They aren’t going to get blacklisted in the performance industry. Did you see what the cast of Hamilton did to VPE Pence? There are a lot of places and people they could work for without the political baggage of being employed by James Dolan.

I mean it is exactly what kids do, unless their parents are pushovers. Just the jobs themselves are different. Doesn’t make it a bad thing.

I mean, considering past inauguaral performances and James Dolan’s personal politics...I don’t think it’s really that hard a situation to forsee. They aren’t being forced to take a political stance.

Yea, but if your company had taken the work and you personally objected to it, your choice would be to do it or quit. THAT’S the situation here. James Dolan is the company, and he wants his dancers there. They don’t HAVE to do anything, but they also don’t get to keep their jobs if they don’t. The company has made a

Imean technically they are being forced by James Dolan, who does want to be there.

Except the Union is telling them outright that it IS a job, and if they want to keep it they haave to do it. Why in the world would the fact that it’s performance art make it any different, when clearly it isn’t. The guy who’s doing the sound checks is just as involved, and doesn’t get the option to refuse the work

It’s literally just a performance. The choice is do your job or quit. That’s the same choice everyone has at work, once their boss makes a final decision (lobbying for a different one up until that point is acceptable and often encouraged, but afterwards it’ll just get you fired).

Except it isn’t, that would their parents. The baby boomers are the babies born of the survivors of WW2. So shaped by economic prosperity (growth of the middle class) and social upheaval. Which is why they all hate change.