Captain Tripps

Because once you start murdering people with the authority of the state, the difference is only one of scale. To the people killed, forced to flee, forced to leave family behind, what’s the difference?

He said Castro is Cuba’s Hitler. Would it be better to say Castro is Cuba’s Francisco Franco? Dan was mostly trying to describe the difference in emotion exiles and their children feel vs other Americans not directly affected. Hear him tell the story of his mother trying to visit family in prison. He’s never

Yea, except roughness outside of direct contact during a kick is only going to be called if he hits the guy in the neck, not in the legs. Once it’s legal to hit him, you can hit him anywhere below the neck.

Dude, it’s a game played by running overly large men into one another. What the hell kind of professional courtesy involves not hitting someone in football when you can? What do you think it is they are doing?

That not exactly true, I have Trump supporting friends on Facebook who describe Pence as a black empty space in place of a soul. They knew what he was and still voted Trump, but they are actually frightened by the idea of Pence bring in charge. It’s all just ridiculous and complicated and I haven’t been able to make

I don’t get the feeling Donald Trump can do figurehead. I do get the feeling that congressional Republicans can figure out a way to placate him while doing whatever they want behind his back. He’s attracted to shiny, but they can never let him know he’s not in charge or he’d go full scorched earth.

Why wouldn’t you do that, if you could and not get penalized for it? It’s like saying you don’t hit a QBs arm or something.

Why in the world wouldn’t he be trying to hit him. A legal free shot on a kicker if a rare thing, and can affect the rest of the game in your team’s favor.

Except that he got it wrong, and Sherman actually knew the rule and exploited it. Once the ball is tipped, however it gets tipped, there are no roughing penalties on the play, whether it’s a kicker,qb, whoever.

It’s turning into a Trump landslide. WTF America.

I was being satirical

Title 9 itself states that compliance doesn’t require spending equal amounts on each sport. They don’t do that NOW. They’re cowards tho.

Maybe you should reread both comments a couple more times.

I’ve always wanted more games to let you play as non human antagonists. I want to be a fucking dragon man, not a dragon rider, but a DRAGON. Fly and bite and BURN. Half of the experience would be a flight simulator, just you and the clouds and occasionally some jebroni about to go meet the ground. I kind of hope VR

He went to LSU because it was the best way to get into the NBA. That doesn’t negate the problems with the NCAA, or his experience with them. No one is forced to go to college, he chose that route because it got him where he wanted to be. What he’s talking about now is all the bullshit the NCAA throws up in the way of

The problem with the NCAA is that it prohibits college players from legitimately earning ANY money based on their fame and skills.

Well Simmon’s is no angel.

Why would you get paid if you aren’t producing revenue? You should paying the school for the privilege of hosting that sport. All you have to do is pay a percentage of the revenue generated to the students on that team, and more importantly allow them to pursue whatever income is available to them outside of school.

Fans, mostly. Which is why they keep getting mad at the idea of paying players.

What makes you think he made the chose as well? Presumably his parents had a littlesomething to say about that. And I imagine any advice he might have gotten from an agent who wasn’t his agent because he was an amatuer.