
Castro has already held a Cabinet position: he was HUD Secretary during Obama’s second term. Imagine being a career HUD employee. One day the guy running the whole agency is Julián Castro, the next it’s...Ben Carson.

Here’s my essay: I also was friends/roommates with a magnetic pathological liar for several years. It was bad and shitty. When I was 23 I told her I was moving out and that she should get therapy because no one could trust a damn thing she said. Last I heard she had a kid and I felt sorry for it. The end.

Victoria Secret makes underwear that is designed for what 14 year old girls think boys think is sexy. 

+1 sternly worded email to your boss

This was my first thought, that’s pretty much his management style so why wouldn’t he apply it to his children?

If the three of them weren’t such awful people I’d feel sorry for them.

Both are French. There are other names than American in the world.

When she said that she didn’t know how low low was going to get.

Also, newsflash: women can be misogynistic, sexist, and participate in totally anti-women work for a living. 

Women attack her relentlessly because she’s a bigoted, racist, anti-feminist, anti-American, anti-journalism partisan hack who shouldn’t have ever held the position of WH press secretary. As you said, she can go fuck herself.

This probably makes me sound like a horrible feminist, but I really don’t give a flying fart that you had kids and also worked, considering you have enough money to pay for good childcare and health insurance without having to worry about paying your rent.  I’m sick of her throwing “being a mom” out there like it’s a

67 year old Bernie supporter here. The older I get, the more progressive I become and the more I know all religion is bullshit.

“I understand your daughter is young and doesn’t know better but given your own career and the fact that we’ve met, I would have thought you’d at least be open to a non-corporate political voice in the mix.” (Jong-Fast is 41-years-old.)

Just so I’m clear: you think my friends are domestic abusers/criminals? Seriously that’s your argument? That they can’t pass a background check?

RIGHT!? It’s literally something she said to minimize the reality of what happened (said to her sister to alleviate concern). Maybe the plague should say “Stop raping women” 

Not a protector, attempting to deny her the right to make her own choice.

I ended up getting tricked by one of those bullshit “Crisis Pregnancy” centers in the early 90s. I was 20, working a menial job, living in an apartment my boyfriend and I could barely afford. I was lured in by the promise of a free pregnancy test. We couldn’t Afford to purchase a motherfucking $8 pregnancy test and

Protector? That’s some neck-bearded fedora-wearing bs right there. Serious “nice guy” vibes for a 61-year-old I guess some of them never grow out of that shit.

Couldn’t agree more, thank you!

And in this case, according to the first link, it was a 6-week-old fetus, which is the size of a pea.

From the BBC article, which is a bit of a trip:

This is the basis for Canada’s overturn of abortion laws. Person status granted women the right to vote as they were ultimately deemed persons and in separate cases years later fetus’ were not persons ultimately paved the way for legal termination services