
Imagine the debate between Warren and Trump” You do realize that she is extremely intelligent?  Pretty sure she’d mop the floor with him.  She’s dealt with bullies before.

There’s a column today with Stephens and Gail Collins that starts off with them recounting their respective summer vacations, and Stephens mentions that he spent his in the south of France. I think we can all imagine Bret on his overseas vacation, sitting alone in a villa, ignoring the beauty of the French countryside

While most older women I’ve come across in business and elsewhere have been neutral to helpful, there are definitely some in the boomer and older demographic who resent no longer being the token female, the exceptional one, the cute, perky young thing making it in a man’s world. Their whole way of being is obsolete,

What a disingenuous apology. I don’t suppose there’s any chance of her getting fired, is there?

The first part of your comment doesn’t make a lick of sense.

Oh that would be justice, the end of their tripe due to non-profitability.

I know I’m commenting way after the fact, but I’m currently obsessed with this story, having discovered The Dropout (good, but there is SO MUCH MORE in the book) and progressing from there.

Am I misunderstanding her post or does she talk about losing someone in a motorcycle crash years ago and having to decide whether to get on a bike again? I mean, tacky is not even the word for this vileness 


Bullshit. I’ve had better roadrash from fucking on carpet.

So, this person is claiming to be a frequent motorcyclist...and that is what she wears to go out for a ride? Nope.

How lucky her motorcycle crashed during the golden hour.

If I got into an accident of any type and my friend was taking pictures, I would get new friends. This is a new level of tacky for sponcon. 

Is it any surprise that a large number of the migrants from El Salvador are women? These laws are a travesty.

Giving a shit is identity politics? Seriously you fucks think actually caring about other humans makes you a “SJW”. Wtf do you care about your coffee maker not giving ad revenue to Tucker Carlson and how some dude respects the national anthem during football? Patriotism to you means being selfish and racist while you

Given today’s news, I wanted to voice my appreciation for this post that is decidedly not about sports.

It is intellectually dishonest to pose the boycott of Georgia as something that is purely negative without noting where it has been successful in recent history - the boycott strategy was actually pretty effective in getting North Carolina to tone down HB2.

As someone who was bullied as a child, my immediate reaction to that was BS the mean girls are definitely wearing these bows. 

I’m sure a lot of people are going to jump on my dick about this but she makes me deeply deeply uncomfortable. Blah blah wholesome role model for my kid blah blah...sure, but there’s an unsettling manic quality to her, and this rabidly capitalistic infantilism of a now 16 year old makes me kind of nauseous. Also I

You know that they’re a Siwanator, which means that they are kind, they are nice, they are strong, they are powerful, they love everyone, they support everyone. They wanna be your friend; they wanna be everyone’s friend.”