
Whenever I read “Meghan Markle”, my brain defaults to “Megan Mullaly”, and then whatever the item is (if Harry is involved or not) I think of Nick Offerman. And then the story gets 1000% better, then I have a tremendous let down when my last 2 brain cells fire and figure out that is not the couple I want it to be.

**Also, she’s loaded too.

This is a coordinated push by the RNC, far-right media outlets, and pretty much every racist charlatan on social media to smear AOC. Not shocked the administration sent out one of their dishonest stormtroopers to further the smear.

Border Patrol has said that’s not true

I work with all these Girlboss rally people. I take care of their children. On Sunday this girlboss mom who wears “We should all be feminists” t shirts, prides herself on being a “boss babe mom” and reads all the empowering books, told me she needs me to clean the house, take care of two children, make dinner and be a

This is getting better and better.
The kid that destroyed country music in 2019 is not only black, but gay ? I love this so much. 

About ten years ago, Slate did an article on what it means to be a diva. The biggest requirement? One must always be struggling against something or someone no matter how much money you have or how comfortable you are. Because if you stop struggling, you lose your connection to the hoi polloi and you’re just another

I left my abuser and he took me and our 5 month old to the desert and beat me so badly I have titanium plates in my face and my daughter wad asleep the whole time in her carseat thank God, but once he took me home and I called police they opened a case with  dcfd and tried to charge ME with failure to protect  (even

I don’t think either should be the other’s VP. Aside from the fact that right now that’s not what they’re running for, Harris would be more useful as AG, and Warren would be more useful as Treasury Sec. VPs don’t actually have that much executive power, just the crumbs that the President wants to give them. In the

I would pay to see that! Harris v trump SMACKDOWN- Live on Pay-Per-View!

And then he ended by saying, ooops, I’m out of time. And abruptly stopped talking. Despite the fact that no moderator was telling him time was up, no other candidate was trying to butt in. The only time in the entire two debates that a candidate willingly stopped talking at the end of their allotted time. 

For me, Bernie and Warren are doing the best, policy-wise, but as far as demeanor and presence go...Kamala is fucking badass. She has been impressive, forceful, and commanding in just about every setting I’ve seen her.

Yes - you can be a good prosecutor or a bad prosecutor, but "being a prosecutor" is a job we need in order to have a functioning criminal justice system, and someone RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT should know that.

I mean, look how well abortion access is doing in 1/3 of our states. And voter suppression. 

I’m not sure Biden understands that “let the local government take care of civil rights” almost invariably results in the failure to secure civil rights.

Joe: “My time’s up”

Delaney was an irritating white man with nothing to offer and yet interrupted everyone constantly in order to say nothing.

Tulsi Gabbard should not be secretary of state or defense. She’s very anti-war (good!), but also very islamaphobic (bad!)

Love you to pieces but please no Tulsi Gabbard for Secretary of Defense.

Yeah, I immediately noted that slip-up, but it was just amazing to hear someone acknowledge that cis women aren’t the only ones impacted by infringing on reproductive freedom.