Kelly, the tourism argument is complete bullshit when you consider three things:
Kelly, the tourism argument is complete bullshit when you consider three things:
Eh, the British are free to abolish the monarchy and adopt a constitutional republic form of government whenever they want. They don’t seem to be in a rush to do that, whatever the complaints about the royals.
“Women are too emotional.”
I get frustrated with all this antivaxxer stuff for many huge reasons, but one big one is just what you said: nobody seems to ever ask folks on the spectrum how THEY feel about it all. It’s only ever how the parents feel.
Never mind that she has been consistently laying out policy. It’s all about that pussay right Bernie?
As someone who was diagnosed with autism, I can say one thing vaccines don’t cause autism, but autism will cause anti-vaxxers. I wasn’t formally diagnosed until I was an adult but my mom has told me she regrets having me vaccinated because she always had a feeling. Outside of this we still have a strong family relation…
I also cannot for the life of me understand how someone who enjoyed the benefit of safe vaccines for literally their entire life say there’s no proof they’re safe.
“Hey, you notice what you don’t see nowadays? A ton of people with polio!”
This is the perfect time for Jezebel to do a long piece about how MLMs prey on vulnerable women in the name of feminism and financial freedom when the reality is it sucks them dry and leaves them friendless and poorer than they started out. It’s so gross how MLMs work and what they do to people.
An outright fabrication? One that paints her in a bad light?
The fact that her parents and physicians simply allowed her to die when they could have saved her is important
Tons of men regret removing their prostate after cancer because they are often unable to have sex and experience incontinence. Let’s ban prostate removal. Men will die, sure, but they’ll remain as god made them: suffering from a treatable disease.
How many people regret their marriage? Let's ban marriages!!!
It’s SO much harder to find employment as a felon. They’re very clearly trying to push us back out of the workforce too. I know this goes farther back than #MeToo, but this feels like retaliation... especially because we all know how Kavanaugh is gonna rule.
Roe v. Wade will be overturned. The only question is whether it will happen before election day in 2020 or after it (in a purely political move).
Pence - and people like him - know nothing but arrogance and spite for people who don’t agree with them.
This is true... even on Peppa Pig the dad is mocked as fat and clumsy/bumbling, and they portray him going to work but not the mom. It's another good reason shows like Dino Dana are important if the kids have to watch something...
I feel like Harry - who has been a member of the royal family for 30+ years, who is the son of Diana and is aware of those consequences, who has been under intense and at times unflattering media coverage - and Meghan - a biracial American woman who has had to straddle and deal with the implications of being…
I mean, the people at the top of any sport have bodies that are going to perform better than the “average” person. If you start calling every facet of their biology an advantage, who’s left?
I am sad to read this; I admired Nancy Hogshead-Makar, especially for her honesty about surviving sexual assault. But this is so not okay, I can’t see okay from where she stands.