
Michelle Obama does not want to be a politician. She does not want votes. She has said so many, many times. She has said that she did not appreciate being pulled into the political arena. I wish people would stop accusing her of having a hidden agenda. It’s precisely that kind of bullshit that she doesn’t like. That

I don’t see it as shitting on her. Jezebel does regularly point out privilege influences peoples’ lives, and the focus was more on that. The gist being, “Getting your law degree is awesome and commendable, but don’t get defensive when people point out the help you’ve had getting through the process.”

I think it’s fine for Kardashian West to study the law or not—I’m just tired of celebrities asking people to forget they’re rich and have a gazillion nannies and personal chefs and assistants to make their lives easier”

I have always had the feeling, and maybe I’m wrong, that in America, the conception of men is a bit more liberated than in France. In France, you can represent two women having tenderness between them. Man and woman, no problem. But two men? Why would this be a problem? I don’t understand this. There is

You read it completely different than I. To me, it seemed more like he was presenting the realities of male prostitution in France and trying not to pass judgement or let his own personal views color that reality.

It was the great Craig T Nelson that said, “I was on food stamps and welfare and nobody helped me out.”

Never forget who shepherded the 2005 Bankruptcy bill through the Senate - and made sure credit card debts were non-dischargeable, as they previously had always been: JOE BIDEN (representing his biggest Delaware constituents: the banks and credit card issuers).

she has my campaign donation money and my vote locked in. She has more fleshed out ideas and more stamina than anyone else running. I think she’s planning on meeting everyone in the country personally based on how many town halls she’s been doing.

We needed her in the Senate in 2017. We need her in the White House in 2021!

These people piss me off so much, abortion isnt mentioned anywhere in the bible. It was practiced regularly by the early Christians and Jews as they believed you didnt get your soul until you took your first breath (like Adam). In fact there are more verses in the Bible supporting this then what Conservatives point to

What rhetoric? Are you fucking kidding? She’s pointing out basic objective facts and people are threatening to kill her. Who the fuck ungreyed you?

I do not feel sorry for her. I don’t believe she is beyond any criticism. But it would appear that most people are either “leave her alone guuuuuuys!!! she’s a kiddddddd!” or “what a stupid bitch”. Like there’s no in-between. Why can’t we have some kind of discourse that acknowledges several aspects of this recent

I’m all for the inalienable rights of the Constitution, but the free exercise of those rights ends when they infringe upon the inalienable rights of another.

To that end, refusal to vaccinate oneself or one’s offspring infringes upon all three of the majors—life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness—because disease

I’ve got nothing against Beto himself, but the coverage of him rubs me the wrong way.  For example, I was listening to a political roundtable on my local public radio station, and they were all like, “Beto’s got this electricity. He’s an intellectual everyman!” and, by comparison, Elizabeth Warren’s calls to small

Even though I’m 100% sure this entire story is horseshit, I’m honestly baffled at this notion that a Princess being demanding is some sort of aberration. Like....really? I’m supposed to be scandalized at the idea of a member of the British monarchy treating her staff like servants? Come again?

This was GREAT. Thanks for the following her!

Bend the knee to Gwendolyn of House Christie, First of her Name, Slayer of Red Carpets, and Queen of the Best Dressed.

They be thrilled. Think how many followers they could gain over them dealing with the tragedy.

What would be really funny, if Sav has actual parents, would be for them to call her while they are babysitting and tell her that her kid got mangled in an accident and is dying. When she gets there in a panic, say,”Got you! You piece of shit! How do you like it?!”

That made me so happy :)