
Again, how hard is it to just not touch people? The last person I touched (outside a handshake) who wasn’t family or a close personal friend was someone I had to give the Heimlich maneuver to. If you are at work don’t hug people, don’t kiss them, don’t smell their f*cking hair, don’t give them a shoulder rub. It

God bless this lady, but she looks exactly like I’d expect someone who lives on vodka and Marlboro Reds to look.

you have to remember that trump’s father was born in a very different time and in a very different geopolitical climate. the germany we know today is not what existed back then, as it was split into separate parts: there was an east germany, a west germany and a very very west germany, located in the bronx.

“poor decision-making”

I feel like tax evasion and slavery are pretty far cries from being “poor decisions.”

“I’m very sorry for my poor decision-making”

This is slightly off topic, but your comment reminded me that I wanted to vent about this. Last week I got together with a male friend from high school for a drink. (High school was a long time ago but we still keep in touch.) We don’t have a romantic relationship at all; we are truly just friends from high school.

Neither of them know enough words in english to talk for hours.

You deserve it Melanie!

Eh, because Maddie started chasing professional mainstream acting roles and JoJo’s family went full tilt into the unregulated, second screen market that is actually very, very dangerous for children because all of those laws designed to protect child entertainers are there for very good reasons.

A guy who hates reading and absorbs Fox News like a sponge? Oh yeah, must be the reincarnation of the Algonquin Round Table.

Being related to a man who shares many behavioral traits with That Asshole, I’m 70% certain that “conversation” in this case involves him sitting at the table bloviating about “issues of the day” for hours on end while she is obliged to tell him how right he is about that thing. Probably while chewing with his mouth

Much as I can’t stand Schlafley, she was an evil master at trolling. She began each speech against the ERA by saying, “My husband has given me permission to speak here today.”

But she’s really not though. Much like Phyllis Schlafly, if she were really the wife she claimed to be, she’d be at home 24/7 with no job and no other reason to live than her husband, kids, and religion while obeying his every command.

The young are stepping up, they’re just being fucking squashed by the currently entrenched septuagenarians.

Meanwhile, Pete Buttigieg is 38, Julian Castro is 46, Beto O’Rourke is 48, Cory Booker is 51, Kristen Gillibrand is 53, and Kamala Harris is 56. I didn’t realize that Elizabeth Warren is 71, but as much as I love her as a senator, I don’t know that she’s a great presidential candidate (happy to be convinced otherwise).

A little over a decade ago I actually did this!!!!

Why the hell don’t they need English speaking men aged 32 that are unhealthy? HOW DARE THEY LEAVE ME BEHIND!

Congratulations on leaving what is easily the most deranged comment I’ve ever received in my year of working at Jezebel lol. 

Marchioness of Cholmondeley