Booze+Bad Seas=Vomit
Booze+Bad Seas=Vomit
She couldn’t just call them liars like a normal shitbag?
Welp. That's it then. The worst take I've read on child sexual abuse.
And that’s the problem. She tried to move on and do something different, but she couldn’t because that’s what she was known for. He continued to be very successful on the speaking circuit and still polled well with women. He got to have a life. She didn't.
The video has created a firestorm, in which opportunists like Donald Trump Jr. were quick to defend Clinton, while others wondered what she was even doing at the vigil in the first place.
It’s aparently not ironic at all that people who want to make the point that criticizing Israel isn’t antisemitism think criticizing Omar is anti-Islam.
“Sorry you feel that way” here = “you’re talking out of your ass, but you’re grieving and this isn’t the time to point out your jackassery so I’ma let it go.”
Except that they weren’t, and you falsely saying they are doesn’t make it so, any more than what the protestors are inaccurately and inappropriately lobbing at Clinton. You should submit to your own “advice” for them.
Bernie Sanders supporters acting like assholes? Check. Bernie Sanders supporters being completely irrational about the Clintons? Check. Bernie Sanders supporters pulling the focus to themselves and making discussion about the actual issue nearly impossible? Check. How much do you want to bet at the planning meeting…
Trump is going to win so easily in 2020.
This is virgin on the ridiculous.
A white, blonde, pageant queen virgin.
Maybe now Roger Stone can shut up
And what do they do in 6 months when she’s failed half her classes and is excused from attending next semester? I don’t think writing another check fixes that one.
Since the ultra rich are being criticized, we should expect to be told we are jealous by poor people who Stan for the rich in every matter. Any minute now. Jealous.
Wow, are you implying that the less fortunate (those only making 6 and 7 figure incomes) have to sacrifice the small luxuries in their life to make ends meet? It’s like you are shaming the poor for not living the most bare bones existence just to get by.
It’s all a matter of budgeting. Like, do you really need a chef 7 days a week? Give them weekends off and, right there, instant savings.