
Christian purity culture is absolute bullshit. I was raised in it and it does a ton of damage. Especially to girls. 

I wish it were possible for the woman to countersue somehow. There ought to be some way to penalize men for not taking the appropriate steps to corral their invading sperm.
Just for the record, this is a man writing this.

Pregnancy is a potential consequence of sex. If a man isn’t prepared to accept that his sexual partner may choose an abortion, he shouldn’t have sex.

“I just look at legal.”

Also a line used by shifty financiers, accountants, and banks worldwide.

Jokes aside, I’m 36. If I were single, I’d feel really, really, weird about dating someone who was under 25. I’m sure there are many that are beyond-years-mature, but it just seems weird. Really weird.

Now let’s make

The media ran with the “Impeach the motherfucker!” as if how dare a woman use a vulgar word towards a white man, yet when Rep. Joe Wilson screeched out like a banshee, “YOU LIE!!!!!” during Pres. Obama’s SOTU the media tried to blame that blatant disrespect on Obama and even had the nerve to say that was the proof

This is how the right wing muddies the waters on anti semitism so that the next time they march around yelling about Jews not replacing them, the media will be all "both sides". 

This was the quote, though:

but allowing plainly disingenuous Republicans (and their Democrat enablers) to conflate Omar’s criticism of the state of Israel and its boosters here in the US with an attack on Judaism is some serious bullshit.

and what has she said that provides you with this unwavering declaration?

questioned why it was acceptable for her to speak critically about the political influence of the National Rifle Association, fossil fuel industries, and ‘big pharma,’ but not the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.”

No one is claiming there is no antisemitism on the left — there certainly is, just as there is homophobia, racism, misogyny, classism etc.; we live in a culture built on those things and it’s absurd to think the left would magically be exempt from them — but allowing plainly disingenuous Republicans (and their

There’s an old legal saw that if the facts are on your side, but the law is not, you emphasize the facts. And if the law is on your side, but the facts are not, you emphasize the law.

Thank you for this piece. To this point:

Hey Lauren, I just want to chime in along with everyone else and let you know this is a really shitty post. Like, colossally shitty. I don’t even have any snark for you. Clinton won the popular vote, she was profoundly qualified, and she got shat on for being a woman who knows how to get shit done in a world dominated

I will continue to need to speak for the reasonable Jew community of this country. Engel, shut the fuck up. There is positively nothing anti-Semitic about what she said. If she was talking about any other country, this article wouldn’t exist.

“You could argue what she said is borderline...”

Stop worrying so much about “optics”, please. I’m sorry, but the entire reason the entire Israeli-Arab conflict has such become a festering boil on the world’s ass is that way too much shady shit is going on, and various parties try way too hard to make sure no one calls a spade a spade on it all. Omar did, and I’m

I agree that the issue once again is her dodgy use of the concept of “allegiance” and the idea that people who broadly support Israel are “pledging fealty” or whatever. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt there and just say she doesn’t realize the implication there but it registers pretty hard.

just ask people defending israel if they’ve signed their loyalty oaths yet

I absolutely ADORE shots like these, but can someone explain how they make them happen? Is it cleverly editing separate footage together, or cheating the camera so that we don’t see sets frantically being pushed into place?