
But they didn’t qualify their discomfort as a reason to ban abortion? They said they were uncomfortable with it but believed in a woman’s right to choose. What you’re saying is absolutely true, but it’s not being directed to the right person.

That sounds terrifying. I’ve worn glasses since I was a child and have steadily refused wearing or even getting examined for contacts, let alone Lasix. Cyborg lenses sounds like the most awful voluntary surgery ever.

I get the general icks from anything to do with reporting on this issue. This is a private medical situation for Ms. Spears, and it is none of our business, ESPECIALLY since she has not complained or tried to change the situation.

Once again: “Yup. They do both have eyes”

I would think words like these would make Google HORNIER, not chattier:

That poor family is just a farce. Heidi is doing her best but you know she is dying on the inside. She just wants to go back to her 80 hour work week at GS with live-in nannies and only having to be near Ted one full day per week. Caroline wants to be A KID and preferably one as far away from Ted as possible.

Her burdened, forlorn “are you fucking kidding me” face evokes what we’re all feeling, but she’s just a kid thrust into an unimaginably awkward situation. I think the world owes it to her to leave her alone now.

When I think about how many times I said things like, “it’s never going to happen. He can’t win the primary; he'll go away soon.” I have never been so wrong about anything in my life.

It’s funny because I have a BernieBro friend who has gone off his rockers on Facebook with the evil Hillary memes, etc. He actually has a hardcore Republican friend who has said he’s voting for Hillary and keeps debunking all of his posts. What kind of alternate reality are we living in?

Welp, conversations with my Trump-supporting family should be fun for the next six months.

Ugh. Now all Republicans are going to polish the turd, and blithely “forget” the bigoted ignoramus at the core.

the GOP has no one but themselves to blame for trump. When all you do is feed your electorate red meat in war mongering, racism, sexism, homophobia, islamophobia, xenophobia, absurd conspiracy theories, disdain for poor people, smart people, tolerant people, and basically any one who’s ever visited another country

I think the party is doing just that. I find Cruz pulling out now highly suspicious.

Today might be a good day to set up a new recurring donation to the advocacy group of your choice, because even if Trump doesn’t win the General Election, the success of his run just empowered a whole lot of assholes to run for positions with a whole lot less scrutiny.

so... Carly has got to be the only person in history, that’s lost TWICE in the same primary...

Ehh..I was just suggesting a temporary technical option if you want a break from bullshit for a little while (hopefully it blows over). It’s not a solution to the aggressive environment we live in, but at least you can get some reprieve if you want it without deleting your account.

If they can find multiple trillions for multiple pointless wars and rebuilding other countries, there is plenty to secure medical facilities. Except the GOP asshats in Congress refuse to even consider it while spending $1.5 million per pop to try to repeal the Affordable Care Act and who knows how many millions on the

Horvath-Cosper has the support of many abortion doctors.

There should be a way to turn off comments on social media.