
Exactly. These are people who have served their time. And, I might add, it’s certainly not an impossibility that many of them were there for like, I don’t know, not using a turn signal when changing lanes. You’re telling me that someone who commits a relatively minor infraction (or, hell, doesn’t commit it but winds

They are TERRIBLE! Autistic kids are always treated like burdens on their family—you should be SCARED of autism because your autistic kid will RUIN YOUR LIFE! My fav ad is one where a woman—in front of her autistic daughter—admits she once considered driving them both off a bridge and only didn’t because of her

I read an AskReddit thread last month asking autistic individuals what they wished people knew about their lives. One of the highest-rated comments was from an autistic person saying that Autism Speaks was a “horrible” organization, and a lot of people on the Spectrum chimed in saying similar things, that the

There are reasons why Autism Speaks is considered a terrible organization by many. In addition to their dalliance with the anti-vax crowd, they are focused on preventing and curing Autism, which does not square with the view that people with Autism think differently, but not necessarily worse. Helping Autistic people

I haven’t announced this to my family yet but I’m bursting with excitement and anxiety and nerves so I just have to tell someone

Interesting how people want to regulate what can be done with a fetus, but all bets are off when that fetus is coming in to the world.

It just goes to show how the government cares SO. MUCH. about legislating medical care for the safety of women and babies, except y’know, when it comes to the actual medical safety of women and babies.

Proper training and regulation! Yay! Integration into the regular medical community! Woot!

I’m a Virginian, and I gotta say: Terry is really good at getting it done. I don’t know if he’s the cause, or the effect, of this red state becoming a swing state.

Maybe she won’t have any. I’m ok with that. Don’t get me wrong, I think the idea that Trump might get elected is horrifying. However, I like the idea of two candidates who don’t have the “traditional” family set-up for a president. Hillary won’t have a first lady and I doubt Bill will have any initiatives in the

...we are loath to deeply criticize women for being superficial, or “fake,” or subservient to an arrangement they chose for themselves—as is, of course, their right.

As opposed to Laura Bush’s driving school?

“He stresses that his family members were legal immigrants.”

Suing scientology? That’s ballsy. Good luck to her.

I learned a new word today: miscegenation. Usually I feel smarter after learning a new word. Not today.

Y’know, shit like this makes me mad on so many levels, but the main one is this:

Well it’s a worldwide problem with all men, including white men obviously.

The kindest way I can think of to put it is that sometimes men of color focus on their race- or ethnicity-based oppression to the extent they become extremely myopic about their male privilege.

/raise your hand if doubly mortified that it’s a man of color saying it to the rubia Amy — in front of his daughter, no less

no it’s America and we paid for you