
Listening to Carly Fiorina, tonight, I found myself pondering Donald Trump’s possible VP choice.

Seriously. I don’t like Hillary, and I don't think she's an honest person, but anyone who tries to say that she isn’t qualified for this office is delusional.

Get the fuck outta here with your #notallmen apologia. The reason why a minority of men can get away with such spectactularly bad behavior is that the rest of us participate in power structures that ensure that they don’t suffer any consequences for it. Nobody gets a pass for not being actively sexist in a patriarchal

And believe me, we realize this is just two, white sports reporters, and that the problem is much MUCH bigger, especially for women of color. Just trying to speak to what we can.

*I* wanted to hug them and I was sitting across from them! They were legitimately so upset. It was unreal. Restored my faith in humanity. And bros.

I think he’s trying to fight for justice for all the rapists? I mean once the victims are bullied into silence or otherwise utterly failed by the justice system, why can’t they just go back to their normal lives of raping people? PC POLICE IS RUINING AMERICA FOR RAPISTS.

Sure dude, you’re doing it for society’s sake.

Speaking as a man, I don’t think the matress-carrying was discriminatory against men. Why, you could say that #NotAllMen were the target, but only one specific man was.

What if...okay what if...guys guys what if...what if food ate people?

The fact that they have been caught arguing isn’t really an indicator of divorce by itself, though. I can’t think of any close relationship I have been in, romantic or not, that hasn’t had at least some arguing.

Honestly, if there were a gossip item every time my husband and I had words... well I wouldn’t need to release a visual album is all I’m saying. Couples have spats. The idea that every argument is a divorce in the making is NON. SENSE.

And Caitlyn Jenner thinks that Ted Cruz and his ilk just needs her to do some super special advising on trans issues, and he’ll come around because he’s a very nice man. Remember this incident next time somebody praises Jenner for her courage. Courage is this young man and his mom, NOT a wealthy and priviledged woman

Just another bullet-ridden day in the good ole US of A.

Well the kid was abused. I’m not going to victim blame him for reacting that way.

Exactly. I mean Im sure this is a funny story for her as well. She got to met him, got pulled up on stage and froze. She is all of us if in this situation. She’s shy she’s not a good dancer. I’m sure if she had made an attempt to dance on stage people would still be sharing this video to make fun of her. The constant

The amount of time we all spend hating on Kim Kardashian says a lot more about us than it does about her.

Maybe she doesn’t care that he kicked her off the stage. Maybe she just cares that she got to meet him.

Our conundrum: When you have a large group of population who doesn’t respect fucking SCIENCE and don’t even believe in dinosaurs despite archaeological proof, how can you use archaeological proof to show them how many mass extinctions have already happened on our planet?

Meanwhile, Florida residents trade high fives and exclaim “Not us this time!”