
Yes, George Soros brings the money to the door, in person. I seen it...

Since I, as a Canadian citizen, will be affected by the reproductive choices that people do and do not make, and the children they may or may not want to have, yes! This is a place where I want my tax dollars going, please and thank you.

I live in BC, and have recently chosen to undergo a surgical termination of a very wanted baby due to fetal non-viability.

Though this experience is pretty much the shittiest thing that has ever happened to me, I cannot for the life of me IMAGINE if I had to travel hundreds of kilometers, away from support systems and

Yeah, this went from funny to oh-god-that-poor-guy really quickly. I have a lot of sympathy for him even as a frequent overseas flyer.

Honestly, I can’t imagine how horrible it would be to have a psychological need to GTFO and be stuck in a flying metal tube. I feel bad for this guy - and everyone else on the plane. How awful.

For some reason, this makes me sad.

Thank you. You know who had a “once-promising” future before they were raped? Me. 20 years later I still battle anxiety and depression. These fucking stories INFURIATE me.

That’s an interesting point to make. Our standards are depressingly low. I really do hesitate to state it this way, but “back in my day” (which doesn’t make it better, just different)—if I recall correctly—it seems as if we expected better from people in general, an expectation that’s incredibly naive now given all

No. Not anything. If he got into a car while drunk and hit someone no one would have a problem calling him a murderer. If he got drunk and started a forest fire he would be charged with arson. It’s only when you get drunk and assault a woman that your culpability is debatable.

Agreed!! These guys give me faith in humanity. I’m also willing to bet that since he was on the scene, he was able to tell that something wasn’t right and that’s why he stopped and held down this ass until the cops arrived.

I have never been so drunk I would sexually violate an unconscious person. And I’ve been pretty damned drunk.

Sad to say but I think the reason Johsson didn't just walk on and ignore the rape is that he is a foreign student from Sweden. They don't have the same fucked up rape culture.

This whole thing is seriously causing some rage right now. When there are no witnesses and a bit more ambiguity, I just expect this response from people, because we live in a society that has rape culture. But you really can’t get more clear-cut than this. There were witnesses. She was passed out, which was

THIS. Motherfuckers this is what it always comes to.

To me it is a telling detail that Johsson, the hero who intervened in a rape, is Swedish. Sweden may have many problems, but I have walked around Stockholm after midnight and felt really safe. No one harassed me in Sweden. They just don’t have the rape culture that we do.

Yep, Peter Jonsson is a fantastic human being and a hero who faced risk to help another person. I want to know about his motivations and his life, which is still promising, not “once-promising.”

Right?! Where’s the piece about this guy? That’s who I’d want to read about.

When a case like that comes up, we can discuss it. Bringing it up here is derailing a discussion about an important topic, so you won’t get any good replies about it here.

So, the girl was unconscious when the police and ambulance crew found her, she testified that she was unconscious and remembered nothing, and the two guys who helped the girl (And who should be profiled as the kind of people who heroically intervened in a rape. That’s the psychology I want to know about. The person

So... This guy was caught red handed by another man and the victim was so unconscious that she didn’t wake for three fucking hours.