
Female ex-GOP here. When it’s how your entire worldview is informed from birth, “brain damaged” maybe isn’t quite as accurate as “brainwashed”.

I take tremendous offense at the notion that I am a victim. I am not a victim of my abortion. My abortion provider was a wonderful, gentle man who treated me kindly and with respect. He didn’t talk me into anything, I sought out his services of my own free will and I have never once regretted my choice. I was not in

Why is logic?

“All I can speak about is my vagina. That’s all I know.”

It woud be SO GREAT if people took that quote both definitively and literally. Like anytime she starts blabbing on about literally ANYTHING else, people refer her back to her own quote. “That’s all you know.”

Uhhhh. I think that’s the point. You think you’re a ten because they are giving you attention but that attention is based on people (men) trying to take advantage of you.

I can sing every single part on the entire soundtrack, with the correct inflections and accent. Come at me.

Just know that the world is missing out by discouraging me, a 33-year-old white woman with no Broadway experience or ability to rap, from auditioning for Lafayette. You shall all rue this day. RUE!

As a mediocre, middle-aged, white male who cannot sing or dance but was very funny in high school plays, I am glad that society FINALLY allows me a chance at Broadway stardom!

It was. I don’t know why people are making fun of it. I guess people get prickly when they’re reminded that looks matter everywhere?

It’s incredibly common. People have this thing where they think they are omg sooo speshul with their blonde hair and accents whilst abroad. Some guy lures them in by telling them they are the most beautiful thing in the entire world, meanwhile he scams them out of thousands and in some cases millions of dollars. Just

I thought that post was actually a warning to dudes not to get tricked into ordering an expensive drink to flirt with a girl who is out of your league.

Why is this being mocked?

I came here to say the same thing.....I think we both read the intended interpretation.

I’ve actually heard of the scam I think they’re referring to. Basically, it involves the target (usually a man) being lured by attractive locals and made to buy drinks for them. When he’s slapped with the absolutely exorbitant bill (He was probably tricked into buying drinks for some other people), the women are gone,

We all know most of our colleagues at work are incompetent frauds

OK so first of all I would like to say that some people who work and worked at Charlie Hebdo are absolutely lovely and not assholes, but that’s beside the point, if only because there’s no proof Hyzagi actually ever worked there. One thing is certain though, if he’s the same Jacques Hyzagi I went to the Sorbonne with

I was startled to see the Observer piece going viral when I saw the writer’s name because I actually was in a few classes with him as an undergrad at the Sorbonne about 25 years ago. He was already a self-important sexist prick who always told us he had more important things to do than whatever we were doing in class

Hmm. I am pretty divided. Yes, I can point to a couple things I’ve written where I simply became tired of fighting an editor even though I knew I was right or a piece became something I never wanted it to be and the framing was all wrong. When you find “the one” — the editor who inspires you and gets what you’re