
This past month can be summarized as: “Literally all my faves are probably going to turn out to be problematic.”

If she starts to insist to make slime, please be a Mean Mom and say no. i don’t understand why so many people let their kids make slime, it’s quite dangerous:

Eat the rich.

There’s someone on reddit you might want to try and reach out to:

They were NOT lawful evil. They had no mandate whatsoever for the invasion of Iraq and single-handedly made a joke of a dozen years of progress in stabilizing international relations.

Hello, do you have a account? I would like to read your art.

edit - nevermind.

Could they keep Lucy Liu as the third Angel too? That would be amazing.

Right. I feel bad for the girl AND both songs are just awful. There is nothing to redeem here.

How many more times? Easy: the reason they’re doing this is because all of these people needs to have a repeal bill with their name at some point, so that when they run for re-election, they can point at it and say: look, I tried to repeal that thing, I kept my promise, now vote for me!

After years of seeing it on the Internet, I’m ready to admit my ignorance in order to get help.

The thing is, I would really, really not care about people with too much money wasting their money on fantasy treatments. But it seems these hings slowly make their way into the mainstream, and I have to have discussions with people about anti-anxiety stockers and why, NO, I don’t think they’ll fix my anxiety, and NO,

Right. I’d shell out some money for some new website (could be called “Delilah” or something) that just happens to emply all my favourite journalists and just happens to cover a mix of gossip, politics and culture, drenched in sarcasm and wit.

There is a small amount of people in this world that actually care whether or not they should be wearing skinny jeans, boyfriend jeans, baggy jeans or whatever this season, and it just sounds exhausting.

This is her second time around actually:

So as a foerver grey, I’m fucked? This would be such a shame. Jezebel is pretty much the only website on the Internet where I don’t think the comment section is pure garbage. I enjoy reading all these smart opinions all you lovely non-greys share, but I’d also like to be able to contribute!

I want to have 1% of her talent for revenge. My enemies would finally fear me.

And those civil remedies are paid with taxpayer money. The cops will certainly not be paying a dime out of their pay.

Let me know when you find out. I’ve been hoping to gte out of the gresy for a veeeeeery long time. I’m all out of wit.

I hope she enjoyed her trip to the darkest America.