There would be more money in a book than in leaks...
There would be more money in a book than in leaks...
Also, if god’s got a plan and everything, then what’s the point of prayer? By praying, aren’t you asking him to mess with the giant spreadsheet in the sky? If he’s a decent project manager, he should probably ignore your request considering all the riples it could have in other places. Meaning if your prayers get…
Right? It’s from 2009, and it feels like it hasn’t aged a day. Which is kind of a mark of how fucked we are.
He sounds like he thinks this is a credit to him. “I have all the best storms. The biggest ones! Tremendous rainfall!”
And before we lived in Bizarro world, a President pardoning himself would immediately lead to impeachment, but this Congress has no guts whatsoever, so they’d probably shake their heads, “distance” themselves from Trump, and then do nothing at all.
Incomptence and petty needs to prove himself could easily lead 45 to push the nuclear button and cause more long term damage than anyone else, ever.
Fuck any government body that would discourage someone from speaking up against their abusers. ICE is actively targetting people who are VICTIMS of crime.
Meghan Markle is inching closer and closer to royalty status now, so the syle mapgs are all going to want to make her a thing. It’s her life now, whether she (and you, Bobby) like it or not.
#3: Get your second bedroom and enjoy it. Because something that leads to divorce way more often is being so exhausted that everything your spouse does is irritating.
Cute, but I probably still won’t watch without the original cast.
In this case, I’m going to say it’s one of the people that just got fired, finishing to burn their bridges.
“But you cannot say that to the press. The press is going to go with that and I cannot live with that. You cannot say that to the press because I cannot negotiate under those circumstances.”
Indeed. Imagine all the stupid memes we’d have to suffer through if that was Trump in that scene.
I get very sad at the thought that this man’s portrait will one day by placed in the White House for posterity. He does not deserve the honor. He thinks the place is a dump, and he’s the one who trashed it. I hope 60 years from now, some president who is currently a toddler or no even born will be able to quietly…
I simultaneously understood all of this and none of this.
We all agree the kid is better off this way, right? The silver lining to having a scumbag father, right there.
It makes me super, super nervous that increasingly, the only people seemingly in control of anything are military officers. I see that with respect towards these generals - I may disagree with them on policy, but at least they know what they’re doing. But this is all creating a situation in which civilians are…
He burned All The Bridges in just ten days. Even his wife couldn’t wait to give birth to dump him. It’s amazing.
I mean, it’s magnificent how he managed to burn All The Bridges in just 10 days and now he has literally no support.