
Wait, there was a Would U for Scaramucci and I missed it?

The last ten days should be made into a movie directed by Tarantino. He’s good at doing excellent movies even when all of the characters are complete bastards.

Exactly. After seeing my parents struggle with money for years, I decided the only thing I would ever buy on credit would be a house. Everything else has to come from savings. If I don’t have enough savings, I lower my ambitions, or wait.

I don’t find that they’re angry about everything. They seem mostly angry that liberals aren’t shutting up about their opinions, and are actively opposing Trump (you know, as opposed to how silent and compliant they were during the Obama years).

If ever anyone deserved a divorce party, it’s that woman.

Meanwhile, Scaramucci’s wife, Deidre Ball, has filed for divorce. According to a person, she is “fed up with his ruthless quest to get close to President Trump, whom she despises.”

I think it might be down to contouring. It makes cheekbones look weird on women, no reason why it wouldn’t do the same on men.

Even *JK Rowling* did it when she started writing crime novels.

no no no

I don’t dislike it, but I find it weirds how she seems to try to turn herself into Lana Del Rey.

She looks so much better as a brunette. I don’t understand why she sticks to blond.

I live in the land of Hygge, and the dominating hair color here is blonde, so I’m not sure how this name came about...

Or he kept glancing at the vase in the middle of the table and try to get Comey to sit right next to it.

OK, I’m connecting dots now. It’s a bit crazy that immediately after their first meeting, Comey thought “I must write ALL this shit down.” He must have noticed something in the meeting that made him feel like he needed a record of everything that happened.

That’s the “businessman” in him. He’s used as CEO to give orders and just be obeyed without questions*. He thought that’s what the President did too, because he never watched Schoolhouse Rock. So when it turned out that’s not how the Constituion works, he latched on the one thing that feels close to how he’s used to

I thought when Trump won that we had a single silver lining: “at least this nightmare election season is over.” But no, somehow, six months after the election, we are still stuck in this election cycle.

He’s really gone downhill since separating with Vanessa Paradis. I’m starting to wonder just how much work she did to keep him together.

This election has been very unusual though, so I am very wary of polls, even happy ones. 40% of voters decided one their vote at the last minute in the first round, which is unprecedented. Macron has let himself be painted as an extreme neo-liberal economic libertarian when he’s really just a centrist. He’s not doing

I’m not seeing much banding together. I’m worried.

I’m a lot less optimistic. I think this is far from a last hurrah. they’re gaining ground and will continue to do so for years.