
These are all good for a Dem primary line up, but they’re also all Senators. Any good Governors that could join this? We need some variety.

They’re hard to find in supermarkets, but here are two options:

Hey, I know it’s a bit frustrating in the face of the immensity of this problem to see simplistic solutions - but for many people, these simplistic solutions areliterally the only thing they can think of doing at first. People have to start somewhere before they reach the next step. So let’s not knock the safety pins

Super glad this is here, because I had a very weird dream last night. I was in what seems like a post-apocalyptic world (with some very normal things thrown in there, I think at some point I was eating chocolate cake), and I was somehow dating my boss. That last bit is what freaked me out, because he’s a really good

Your boyfriend is being abusing, and you need to get out.

thank you.

Actually, there’s value in celebs not publicising giant donations:

People have been sharing the Jonathan Pie video all over my Facebook, and I just can’t with them. Bernie was never going to get all the votes from people who want a government so tiny it fits in our vaginas. ALSO it’s absolute wishful thinking to imagine “socialist” is not stilla four letter word in most of the US.

I feel you so much.

It doesn’t exist. There is literally no standard we will hold priviliged white men to.

Good point.

Captain, I wouldn’t mind a trip to the Delta Quadrant right about now. Any room on your ship?

Make so many liberal babies that 20 years from now, when Malia Obama is running for President, she will be a shoe-in.

AND he’s really good at the cyber.

If this country is so bad, then get the fuck out. 

Never heard of her before, but I already love her. Can she be a regular?

“I like your gumption! Sure, we’ve got this other candidates who literally meets 100% of the job requirements, but it looks like you’ll be a better cultural fit.”

Look up Geert Wilders.

All they would have needed to do is repeat “he’s a socialist” ad nauseam for 3 months straight.

Funnily enough, I’m still blaming the millions of people who voted for Trump first.