
I know, right? It’s like when she won that primary by 3 million votes, she thought she had the right to make the key decision of who would be her VP herself.

She was bashing Trump way before pussygate. She’s been against him all along, and while I disagree with ehr on a lot of topic, I respect her greatly. If this is the kind of Republicans about to run the USA, I wouldn’t be quite this worried.

Donate, and if you can, set up recurring monthly donations instead of one-offs. It’s incredible useful for non-profits to know they have a certain amount of regular cash coming in, and allows them to plan the middle to long term.

Thank you.

I think the worst for me is climate change. We have so little time left to fix this, and if we don’t, the whole planet and its inhabitants will suffer for centuries. Species are going extinct already, and people in the most impoverished, most vulnerable places in the world are already feeling the effects. And yet,

Seriously. Trump is extremely highly disliked. Yet no one has ever said his likeability was the problem.

Hell, I’m a white woman, and I think we all need to take a hard look in the mirror here. We have fucked this up.

Estimates have 52% of white women also voting for him, so at this point I don’t think we can put it on the white males only anymore.

so should “Leader”

Every time I hear “likeable”, I think of Hermione Granger studying, working, swallowing books, doing everything right, and then being told off by a teacher for being a know-it-all.


I live in Denmark, and have several guest rooms. I have instated a rule that his name shall never be pronounced on my property.

Seconded. You ladies (and a couple boys) have been wonderful, and this really felt like I had a place I could come and hang out. Thank you.

No penis and not fuckable.

I’m so with you on this. The whole double standard is killing me.

I feel like this is a fair exception. That’s probably the one priviledge I’m not going to resent him for.

That facebook group is restoring my faith in humanity, one post at a time.

Any Pantsuit Nation members here? That Facebook group has saved my morale these past couple days...

We could have stopped climate change by now for that money. And pumped money into industries that do good instead of the military industrial complex.