
How many people here are in Pantsuite Nation on Facebook? That group is giving me life!

My sister spends 15 minutes one day telling me about how she hasn’t has a full night’s sleep in a year, how both my niece and nephew are sick, how she’s been juggling the availability of all grandparents to make sure someone is watching the kids during their vacations... and then the next day says she can’t POSSIBLY

I wouldn’t be surprised if she starts using her husband’s last name soon.

God no. After this is over, Inever want to have to re-visit it.

If people don’t get the divine hints by now, they will never get them.

Wait, these two are actually cousins?

you would have thought Beelzebub himself was onstage singing.

Excellent almost name-dropping then? Either way, I’d love to hear your stories :)

Unrelated: Stassa, how do you pronounce your name? It’s just occured to me that the “stAH-ssUH” that it sounds like in my head is probably inaccurate.

Today, we came one step closer to gender equality.

She doesn’t really care if she’s first lady or not. If her husband wasn’t running for president, she’d be living a quiet life of luxury in which she mostly ignores his existence and encourgaes him to find himself girlfriends as long as he keeps them quiet and doesn’t divorce her.

This is an excellent humblebrag.


How to teach kids all the wrong lessons about consent. is super shady - you’re not supposed to be anble to get a social media account if you’re under 13, their own T&C say you should be 18 to publish, and yet they toutinely promote videos made by teens and tweens.

It’s been twenty years, and I still haven’t gotten over my trust issues due to some little moron who pretended to like me and then made fun of me with his friends for even thinking I might be likeable.

I hate how early we’re taught that aggressors are just above the rules if they can hide evidence well enough.

Yep, that 25% chance terrifies the shit out of me.

But when properly used, condoms ARE being fucked. Technically. So this checks-out.

This is why we need more women with their own shows. I can’t recall a single FFWSB where she didn’t bring up women’s issues. When 51% of the population is a woman, women’s issues should come up all the time - yet it’s a once in a while kind of thing on most of TV.