Captain Splendid

The question I have is how the New York Times editors read the piece and thought yeah sure let’s publish.

chris brown’s career was more successful after he beat up rihanna. he literally sold more records after than before. 

The insane thing is that he simply should have taken a plea deal, laid low for a year, and it would have blown over. Thankfully though, he and his awful legal team decided to violently fight back as hard as possible, and in the process, completely exposed an unrepentant monster for what he is. 

He’s earned it.

Weird to think Keanu is a bigger draw than Star Wars now.

I always though of Hart’s success to be a lot like the WWE. Is not just mass appeal it’s pure lowest common denominator. The output speaks for itself. 

How did you get the impression that he doesn’t want his audience to have an opinion about his films?

Yeah, back then. Now? Ehhhh. Plus it seems like it’d be too easy for them to look at our current sociopolitical culture and just drop 12 songs titled “We Told You So 20 Years Ago.”

The whole scene is brilliant. Just a giant open “Fuck you” to the people who want these movies to be nothing but a franchise blowjob full of cameos. And it really says something about how respected both Stewart and Xavier are that even in a sequence all about how the heroes of this universe are a bunch of

I really liked Tenet.

Yeah, but when Rex Reed takes a shit on your film, there’s even odds he hasn’t seen the movie, and might not even know what day it is.

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While so many of his contemporaries (and a lot of the folks he talked about here) are still whining about “cancel culture,” Katt had this absolutely spot on take on the Joe Budden Podcast a couple years ago

Did it really have that attitude? Mrs. Banks is a bit of a flibbertigibbet but I don’t see that movie belittling her cause. I sure as hell can say it was my first exposure to the concept of the suffragette.

i’d be inclined to agree in a general sense except the ‘forgettable’ part. guy’s a star and he stands out. i don’t think he’s an especially brilliant actor either but i like *him* a lot.

Yeah, but their last album of original music was released in 1996. They’ve been a sporadically-touring live act only this entire century.

One more album would have been cool.

So I’m a champion of everyone who shares my opinions?

Naw that’s just saying that in every crowd, there’s that one twat that thinks he’s funnier and more clever than everyone else around. In these comments, that bozo is you.

Look, Gervais went from a decade of regurgitating the same anti-religion jokes, to now making the same anti-cancel culture jokes. He’s been a hack for so long. Anyone who hasn’t caught on by now is the mark, they just haven’t realized it yet.

Doesn’t greenlit also just sound better?