We’re still in the escrow period.
We’re still in the escrow period.
“What well-adjusted person would walk up to other people they don’t know and say “both of you are stupid”?”
I have neither. Thanks for playing.
I’ve had to bounce off of two different GPs because they can’t keep their mouths shut about how awesome libertarianism is.
Both of you are dumb as a box of hammers.
“Can’t wait to see the cute annoying kid they cast who has to teach the FF a moral lesson and help save the day!”
These would be better arguments if we weren’t talking about vinyl records.
‘revived an ailing industry, and that is a good thing’
Pretty sure those two made it home days ago.
This pity party shit really needs to disappear. Conservative billionaires have had their massive thumbs on the scale for over sixty years at this point. You’re living under minority rule by design, not because Americans are feckless idiots.
Makes sense to me. As he points out, in the space between the second movie and the 2016 one, a lot of people, including himself, thought the franchise should be put to rest.
Username does not check out.
I didn’t even like Lucy all that much but I’d rather have a sequel to that than another Jurassic entry.
No lie, this might be your best joke.
“But Radio Free Europe is 40 years old at this point and was released before Zeppelin’s Coda.”
That was great, thanks.
Who knew Spanfeller was such a big fan of Drag?
“Scott’s Alien: Covenant, a good movie”
“though, seeing as how they already made this new one, it’s probably too late to do anything about it”