Captain Midnight

I wish I got extra muffs for points in my fantasy punter league

Can’t this be really risky though? If he goes out of bounds and then tries to do what he did (stretch into the field of play to put his hand on the ball) but can’t secure the ball, it’s live for the Lions to grab and run in, no? Awesome play and well coached, but I can see how the Browns or some other team could


Bicyclist stopped to kneel and tie his shoelace, never saw it coming.

With the acknowledgement that I think the best professional athletes are generally underpaid relative to their worth (at least in salary cap sports), I find it pretty unseemly when millionaire professional athletes criticize their fans for not choosing to spend their night and $50 to watch them play.

Please. Lord, I’ve asked for a whole bunch of crap as a Vikings fan, and you’ve given me absolutely none of it. But I ask you to please grant me the wish that this Deadspin comment just set into my mind. Amen.

I would really like to just fast forward 5 or 10 years so that I can get to the point when this shit starts being funny.

Wait a minute...I can’t quite make it out from the screenshots, but are they playing the Giants?

I demand proof that isn’t Khalil Mack.

“These are the healthiest players ever.”

My personal choice would be “Just a Friend” by Biz Markee because of the fact, based on my college karaoke experiences, it’s THE song where people pour their heart and soul into singing the chorus with unbridled passion.

It’s like he’s Joey Crawford’s Good Twin

The kid is awesome but I appreciate the umpire’s “I’m not gonna take this shit!..... but I won’t embarrass him either..... uhhh... let me brush this.... DONT FUCKING DO THAT AGAIN... okay Play Ball!”

How about this...make a movie that people want to see? I know, absurd and all...but Hollywood continues to make the same dumb mistakes over and over...Ghostbusters failure was predictable from day 1...if your hook is “now with women!” you’ve already failed because a hook is not why people go to movies...Just make a

Sideout is glorious. Zach Barnes mentors poor Monroe Clark, and in the span of one montage become a good enough team to take down Randy Stoklos and Sinjin Smith. Required summer viewing for any volleyball fan.

Sideout anyone?

Can we hire this grounds crew for the Pro Bowl?

I highly encourage everyone to watch the gif on a loop while listening to this song. Gold!