Wow, that was a completely unexpected comparison. I know virtually nothing about Far: Lone Sails, but I am pretty sure I haven’t heard it compared to those two games before!
Wow, that was a completely unexpected comparison. I know virtually nothing about Far: Lone Sails, but I am pretty sure I haven’t heard it compared to those two games before!
That’s the impression I’d gotten of the game. Glad to hear my guess wasn’t far off. Might still check it out some time, of course.
I hope whomever was responsible for this format was among those let go/bought out. It’s been argued about ad nauseum but this format drives people away.
*sniff* Has it really been 25 years...
You know how there are good bad games? Games that are objectively riddled with issues but are still fun to play? I often tell people that Alpha Protocol is the best bad game I’ve played. It’s full of jank, and a lot of it is pure nonsense, but it’s a blast to play.
I just finished up my third Red Dead Redemption playthrough. According to the trophies, I started this playthrough over 4 years ago, as I apparently tackled an Act every two years. And I’m sad to say that while only playing the main missions it’s clear that the game is looking rather old and tired, and not in a…
The Orange Box remains utterly baffling as a single offering of content. I tend to be fairly sympathetic to Valve’s waning interest in game development (as opposed to other, much more lucrative pursuits) but it’s mind-blowing that two of my favorite games, ever, arrived on a single day from a single company.
Here’s what I’m looking forward to:
Inventory management is one of my least favorite things in gaming but I will give it up for Dead Space which essentially does a stripped down version or RE4's menu (and a stripped down version of RE4's gameplay HAYOOOOO!) but I just love that there’s no break in the gameplay and the menu exists as a part of Isaac’s…
I’ve been revisiting Metal Gear Solid V, and it’s a real treat. It’s such a shame that Konami didn’t give Kojima time to finish it properly, though who knows how much extra time that would have taken. Another six months? Another year? It’s one of the most wildly ambitious games ever created. The amount of movement…
Apologies if this comes across as a bit pointless or self-indulgent but I enjoy reading the comments on WAYPTW by all of you, so I thought I’d share my thoughts.
I’d have been happier with Cyberpunk if we had seen actual gameplay and not what seemed to be entirely pre-rendered footage.
Occam’s razor suggests that when presented with a choice of, “a massive conspiracy involving multiple international corporate conglomerates and dozens of individual film critics caused Gotti to get a 0% rating” or “Gotti is a not a good movie,” that the latter is correct.
I don’t think so. The shining point of MGSV, for all of its flaws, was the actual gameplay.
Imagine being angry about a kiss.
Amazon really gets fucked up when the apocalypse comes.
I’m mostly curious about Cyberpunk 2077 myself. They have to come out with something right? At the very least a showy movie, at best a gameplay reel.
Same for Death Stranding really. How will this game play? Still can’t believe Mads Mikkelsen is in it. And Norman Reedus. This is gonna be ... interesting at the very…
Ah, so it goes. Good piece by Wesley, though.