Captain Internet

I’m intrigued by the good word-of-mouth buzz in such a brief period, given that I hadn’t encountered the game except for you two folks! Anyway, it worked and I bought the game immediately. It doesn’t look like the kind of thing that you’d play for a long session, but it does appear to capture one of my favorite things

Well you see, the pilgrims arrived and their phones had all died on the journey (due to the salt water - duh) so the American Indians out on the West Coast (Silicon Valley, of course) set up a long-distance trading post with East Coast tribes to sell new phones to said pilgrims at a discount. It’s said that this was

What am I playing this weekend? DOOM, is what. I just grabbed the Switch version, along with Wolfenstein: the New Order (and “The Old Blood”* along with it). I’ll probably play a bit in handheld mode, but it’s kind of just exciting to see a hyper-violent id Software game on Nintendo hardware. I also “eagerly” await

Won’t be playing anything this weekend cause I’m going on one of those filthy outdoor activities. However, I took the day off Monday to recuperate so I will be continuing with Wolfenstein: The Old Blood or starting up a new game, maybe Horizon: Zero Dawn?

The 90s were already chock-full of dream SW games... X-Wing, TIE Fighter, Jedi Knight series, that SW Age of Empires II re-skin. They just need an independently-operating company like Lucas Arts again, full of people who are actually passionate about the subject matter, not an EA-Disney braintrust thats looking to

A single-player (as in, story-based) cross between TIE Fighter and Dark Forces was the idea I came up with in high school and dreamed about one day being able to play. You could fly around doing space combat missions, then land on a space station (or planet) and run around doing first-person-shooter/RPG-type stuff.

Oh sure, engineer a beautiful graphics and rendering pipeline for an iconic series and everyone loves you, but engineer a marvel of a game economy and management framework for tracking challenges, unlocks, purchases, multi-tied currency systems, telemetry, dlc/ulc, timed events and all the complex UI and UE design and

Hitler inspired an entire sick and twisted movement that somehow still exists to this very day. He may not necessarily be “the most evil person in history” (although he’s surely right near the very top) but the fact that Hitler still has such a lasting legacy makes him even more evil.

I just came here to say that this headline bears the same disregard for preserving the viewer/player experience that is starting to make me want to leave this website. There are a lot of people planning on playing this who haven’t.

That is a really difficult section and took me many attempts. The trick to it is to grab one of the mounted guns and quickly scramble to cover asap while shooting anyone who approaches from either side.

I mean, sure, yeah. I definitely played through it on easy mode the second time through, when I was trying for the alternate timeline. I’ll likely play through it on easy mode when I try the Fergus timeline this time around, too. It was cathartic to deal death so easily.

While I very much appreciated the educational part of Never Alone, feeling like I needed to stop every few minutes to ponder the deep cultural context of every spirit, location, or type of snow took me away from the experience. I do want to know, but give it to me silently and help me go back and understand during the

Does this feed the right’s persecution narrative? Sure, and you’re not wrong to consider that angle. But is scuttling Trump’s Twitter account temporarily a bona fide stifling of his free speech? Hardly. He’s the most powerful person in the world and has access to the bulliest of bully pulpits. Knocking his Twitter

You caught me: I wrote this largely glowing review as an elaborate takedown of the game, because of an issue I’m so mad about that I wrote an entire paragraph about it a week ago. Thank you for laying my master plan bare for all to see.

That’s.... that’s really the only way to approach analysis in the vast majority of cases. While intent often does matter in some context, creators aren’t god, and can’t really foresee all the possible consequences of their creations. And they often don’t tell us much either. How else would you approach analysis?


I’m glad someone is out there playing Wolfenstein II. Bethesda has been dropping quality single-player games with surprising regularity and many of them have bombed hard (poor Prey & Dishonored 2) so I’d hate to see Wolfenstein II (which they’ve obviously thrown an out-sized marketing budget at) get overlooked. I

Or “the developers of this game felt the need to make fun of me because of how I choose to play it.” It’s not a war crime or anything, but it’s a subtle push against new players, and it’s a frequent pet peeve of mine.

I always thought Coldplay was basically Oasis with A-levels.

Like this is even a contest:

Just finished World 3 in Mario + Rabbids. The final boss in that world was much easier than the previous two; I got through in one try. Unfortunately, Rabbid Peach didn’t make it. Sometimes you just need a sacrificial lamb