Captain Internet

The stealth is a bit prickly- silent, unseen kills keep you fully stealthed. Killing an enemy that sees you before they can get a shot off, or allowing an enemy to see a corpse, will put the AI into an ‘alert’ state, where they’re much more likely to shoot the instant you’re seen. Firing an unsilenced weapon, or

2am GMT is a bit of a stretch for a week night in the UK but as the 8th of December is a Friday I may just be able to join

Well exactly. Violence begets violence and all that. This just encourages people to crawl further into their partisan burrows, but it must have been sooooo fucking satisfying

I finished Wolfenstein: The New Colossus, which has made it into my top Games of 2017 list, though not all the way to the top. The story and writing are first class; the shooting is very good, but not quite up there with Doom. There’s slightly too much time spent in grey corridors, and only one instance of riding a

The new Wolfenstein has a particularly bad collectibles problem. There’s an instance where BJ returns to the house where he grew up. Right after a fairly touching and emotional cutscene, I was prompted to collect a ‘star card’ which turns out to be a dumb photo of one of the developers. It didn’t really help with the

I really liked the shift, and I think it served the story well. Dour BJ still takes the lead for most of the game, and lightening the mood a bit stopped things from getting too similar.

Probably, because that’s what it was. I think Trump is an odious shit but this just adds to his victim narrative. “The Silicon Valley Dems are covfefe free speech! They don’t want you to hear the truth! Sad! Why not delete Crooked Lying Hilary?! ” and so on. If this rogue employee had done this to Bernie Sanders we’d

Off the top of my head- Ron Gilbert, Tim Schafer, Chris Roberts, Richard Garriot, Sid Meier, Cliff Blezinski, Chris Avellone, Harvey Smith...

I just made the mistake of reading the Eurogamer review which drops a pretty big one several paragraphs in without warning- although the reviewer has apologised in the comments. Gah. The impact of a spoiler is proportional to the quality of the story, so dropping them for this game as you would for something like

I’ll be playing the new Wolfenstein, which I’ve been looking forward to for ages and am glad to see looking like it’ll live up to the first. Seeing the trailers for the original led me to think it was going to be uninspired, lazy trash- ‘Robot Nazis’ being second only to ‘Magic Nazis’ on the ‘Lazy Ways to Make Nazis

I picked up Shadow of War last week and have been getting into that. It’s a weird one- the main character is a bland, humourless , his Elf spirit companion is just a dick, the first non-player character you meet- Shelob- is basically just Liv Tyler’s Arwen but somehow also a sexy spider, yet the Orcs you’re fighting

It’s easier, but it’s still absurdly difficult. What’s nice is that as you progress you unlock ‘making-of’ dialogue from Mr Foddy himself, which is mostly slightly sarcastic meditations on the nature of challenge. Your progress gets saved automatically, so unlike CLOP you’re not starting again afresh each time you

Now playing

This weekend I’ll be - hopefully - heading my XCOM 2: War of the Chosen campaign towards completion. I’ve now taken out all three of the Chosen super-warriors, which led to a bit of an anti-climax- there’s now no chance of them turning up on missions, and my soldiers are now absurdly overpowered meaning the rest of

I’d love to join put sadly that’s 2am UK time. Perhaps we need an EU event...

Experience tells me that between Soho and Brighton there are fewer than 10 pinball machines. It’s rare to see them outside bowling alleys, and even then not guaranteed. If you walk from Soho to Victoria and then take the train you’re looking at maybe four in total.

Now playing

I’m looking forward to the new Wolfenstein too- it’s going to be tough to top the The New Order, but fingers crossed. But the game that I am most looking forward to now, is Getting Over It, by the creator of QWOP, CLOP and GIRP-

I assume that’s some sort of euphemism

Yes, there’s almost too much going on at once. I’ve managed to take down two of the Chosen - the Assassin and Hunter - as they were really, really annoying whenever they would appear on a mission. Just the Warlock to go, but I’ve completely lost track of what I’m supposed to be doing in order to win the global battle.

Question about Cuphead then for Matt - is it actually fun? The more I see of it the less it appears to be an entertaining platform “romp” and more like a guided, repetitive slog across some wonderfully animated backdrops. The developers have been at it since 2010 I believe, so if that were the case that would be