Captain Internet

Clicking on the images will show you a bigger version of the image, rather than the article. Is this intentional?

Just heard the news myself- very sad. One of my favourite bands of all time, one of the few bands with more than three albums whose entire catalogue of LPs I own, one of the very, very few acts around prior to the 80s that didn’t go totally shit in that decade, and the only band I named my cats Donald and Walter after.

Morning all,

Things you must never do when the AR Zombie Apocalypse happens: leave your bag on a park bench

So very sad. What happened, Valve? Was it too ambitious? Is DOTA 2 really so fabulous that you’d drop everything that wasn’t associated with it?

Thanks! My “pro” tips:

You say that, but they did go on to invent Ikea, so perhaps these crates are a very early prototype of an affordable storage unit

Kinja is awful in many ways, but we can upload screenshots- that’s me picking up a hitchhiker in Plunkbat, which I have now uninstalled for a third time due to it being too damn addictive. I’ve done enough- won four solo games and had a round where I killed more than five players- so I’ll be parking it until it comes

Typing is so very slow on mobile with Kinja- as the underlying JavaScript is attempting to parse what I’ve written for citations, hashtags and banned words every time I enter a character, or perhaps it’s just really really picky about typesetting.

It’s buggy and slow as hell on mobile, and it’s virtually impossible to read the articles. 

There was a very popular turtle dish in the 90s as I recall, Huevos in a Half-Shell

I tried playing Caravan perhaps four times and could never figure it out, but then I suck at card games within games. Triple Triad was the only one I invested time in, and I hated every minute of it

I miss The Digest, in particular the time I sent in Marmite and for some reason they decided to eat it with a spoon-…

I'm waiting for the next generation of the Vive to turn up, or for VR to die a second time so I can get one cheap

Hellblade, which is wonderfully intense, Plunkbat because it's still amazing and I think I'm finally getting better at it, and the new PC release of Rez: Infinite because my God I've missed that game and it absolutely sings on a big monitor and a controller with vibration built in.

Well you'd want to be able to take them off for washing, trying on a suit, airport security scanners, self-love etc

I don't think they quite intended to sound *exactly* like that- they wanted to sound like they did, but with really great songs and lyrics. Trouble was, none of them had any idea about constructing either, but they could play really fast and have long discussions about which effects pedals they liked which were

Fully Justified.

Have you tried going on a spirit quest in the meantime?

It was the opposite in my case- few of my circle had a family rich enough to buy them a very expensive toy (with £60 games as I recall) but there was usually a family PC. Hence we'd play all the shareware releases and burn each other CDs of games from… er… that really big globally-hosted cover CD we all now enjoy