Well- you're not being manipulated, you can do as you choose. But rather than being who you thought you were- Morgan Yu- you are actually an alien who has been given her memories, and neuromods to make you behave in a human way.
Well- you're not being manipulated, you can do as you choose. But rather than being who you thought you were- Morgan Yu- you are actually an alien who has been given her memories, and neuromods to make you behave in a human way.
Well it wasn't quite 'it was all a dream'- they could have had you waking up in your apartment with Alex on the com again. Moreover there wasn't a denial that any of it had happened- something Had happened on Talos 1, even if it wasn't exactly what you experienced, but the characters and relationships between them…
When they leave them all those lovely bin bags full of spoiled meat? No, they love us
Foxes are bloody irritating though- we've got thousands of the little gits in London and there's rarely a night that isn't interrupted by the horrible screeching noise they make when shagging.
I think you're focusing on the Trump comment rather than the actual point, which is that the sentiment expressed in the ending is trite and idiotic.
Counterpoint 2: The Lobster was awful
I think 'pretentious and moronic' summed up his feelings about the end of the game.
I put maybe ten hours into it and then drifted away. It's Fallout 3.5 rather than 4, and while the base building stuff and Nick Valentine add some interest there's just not enough that's new there. The soundtrack is the same, the enemies are largely the same… except this time there's a lot more shooting, Power Armour…
Rock Paper Shotgun is a good bet, particularly their Fail Forward series: https://www.rockpapershotgu…
Well I for one loved the ending, though I can see how it might piss some people off.
I had quite a different experience- I went for a long random wander after a certain point just to do side missions and ended up being able to breeze through the 'linear' section in a couple of hours. Even within that there's several different routes though, so I didn't feel like it became Call of Duty at any point.
Can't really fault them on that- given how annoying humans are the Three Laws of Robotics must surely lead to some pent up rage.
You may be pleased to learn that your comment was ranked as one of a keyboard genius: http://www.avclub.com/artic…
I had a similar problem, except rather than remaining hostile, their head exploded.
It's pretty damn special in my opinion- yes it's got a lot of influences, but they're really good ones, and for my money it does them all proud.
Prey is pretty bloody wonderful. It's really got its hooks into me.
I used to spend hours climbing trees, and then I reached puberty
He's right- the best game ever is One Finger Death Punch
I played it when it came out- it was pretty dire as I recall.
At the risk of starting an Internet Fight™ by defending Bethesda, the original Prey did turn up late and pretty rubbish- so it might be worth giving them the benefit of the doubt